  • 李智航,孙璐,陈洁.靖海湾春季实测潮流与温盐特征分析[J].广西科学,2021,28(2):174-180.    [点击复制]
  • LI Zhihang,SUN Lu,CHEN Jie.Characteristics Analyses of Tide, Temperature and Salinity of Jinghai Bay in Spring[J].Guangxi Sciences,2021,28(2):174-180.   [点击复制]
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李智航, 孙璐, 陈洁
(国家海洋局南海环境监测中心自然资源部南海局, 广东广州 510300)
关键词:  靖海湾  潮流  海温  盐度  余流  调和分析
Characteristics Analyses of Tide, Temperature and Salinity of Jinghai Bay in Spring
LI Zhihang, SUN Lu, CHEN Jie
(Environment Monitoring Center of the South China Sea, State Oceanic Administration, Ministry of Natural Resources, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510300, China)
In order to understand the characteristics of tidal current and residual current in Jinghai Bay of Guangdong Province,the quasi-harmonic analysis method was used to analyze the measured current data in the spring tide period of Jinghai Bay in April 2015.The tidal current character,tidal current characteristics and residual current characteristics of each tidal component were calculated,and the maximum possible current velocity was predicted.The results show that the Jinghai Bay is dominated by irregular semi-diurnal tidal current,and the tidal current movement is dominated by reciprocating flow with rotation.The direction of reciprocation current is NW-SE,and the direction of rotating current is clockwise.The propagating direction of each tidal component is consistent,which is affected by the nearby terrain.The residual current is affected by the wind field and mainly eastward.Variations of temperature and salinity are closely related to the tidal current movement.The tidal current in Jinghai Bay is mainly affected by topography,and the variation of temperature and salinity is consistent with that of tide.
Key words:  Jinghai Bay  tide  temperature  salinity  residual current  harmonic analysis

