  • 牙莉荀,黄宝丹,劳妃玲,许钟华,房慧,陈春燕.基于氧化锌原胞的晶格优化方法研究[J].广西科学,2021,28(2):181-188.    [点击复制]
  • YA Lixun,HUANG Baodan,LAO Feiling,XU Zhonghua,FANG Hui,CHEN Chunyan.Research on Lattice Optimization Methods Based on ZnO Primitive Cell[J].Guangxi Sciences,2021,28(2):181-188.   [点击复制]
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牙莉荀, 黄宝丹, 劳妃玲, 许钟华, 房慧, 陈春燕
(广西民族师范学院物理与电子工程学院, 广西崇左 532200)
关键词:  第一性原理  氧化锌  晶格优化  BM方程拟合  VASP
Research on Lattice Optimization Methods Based on ZnO Primitive Cell
YA Lixun, HUANG Baodan, LAO Feiling, XU Zhonghua, FANG Hui, CHEN Chunyan
(College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities, Chongzuo, Guangxi, 532200, China)
Taking the lattice optimization of ZnO primitive cell as an example,the differences of two lattice optimization approaches in VASP package are compared.One approach is the state equation fitted method.Firstly,the parameter ISIF=2 is set to keep the lattice volume unchanged,the ion position is optimized,and the volume is performed scaling calculation to obtain the E-V diagram.Then,the equilibrium volume is obtained by fitting the E-V diagram with the Brich-Murnaphan equation.Finally,the lattice parameters are recalculated by the equilibrium volume.The other approach is the auto-optimization method.The parameter ISIF=3 is set directly,the lattice volume and ion position are optimized,and the lattice parameters are read directly after calculation.For ZnO primitive cell,the results show that the error of lattice volume,lattice constants a,b, and c obtained by the two optimization methods is 0.28%,0.11%,0.11%,and 0.06%,respectively.Under different initial lattice volume conditions,the error range of lattice volume,lattice constants a,b and c obtained by auto-optimization method is 0.20%-0.77%,0.04%-0.55%,0.04%-0.55%,0.02%-0.63%.Compared with the experimental reference value,the error of lattice constant obtained by the two optimization methods is not more than 2%,and the error of crystal volume is not more than 4%,which belong to a reasonable error range.In summary,for the simple lattice system similar to ZnO primitive cell,the accurate lattice parameters can be obtained by directly using ISIF=3 auto-optimization.
Key words:  first principles  znic oxide  lattice optimization  BM equation fitting  VASP

