
田发聪, 景琳, 黄云峰, 柴玲, 刘布鸣. 樟叶鹅掌柴叶挥发油化学成分研究[J]. 广西科学院学报, 2017, 33(2): 139-142, 146.
TIAN Facong, JING Lin, HUANG Yunfeng, CHAI Ling, LIU Buming. Study on the Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from
Schefflera pes-avis[J]. Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences, 2017, 33(2): 139-142, 146 .

1. 广西龙滩自然保护区管理处,广西河池 547300;
2. 广西中医药研究院,广西中药质量标准研究重点实验室,广西南宁 530022
收稿日期: 2017-01-10; 网络优先数字出版时间: 2017-04-26
* 广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科能14123006-37) 和广西科学研究与技术开发重大专项(桂科重14124002-11) 资助
作者简介: 田发聪(1974-),男,工程师,主要从事森林植物资源和自然保护区保护研究
分析鉴定樟叶鹅掌柴叶挥发油的主要化学成分, 为其质量控制及其挥发油的开发利用提供依据。【方法】
Study on the Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from Schefflera pes-avis
TIAN Facong1
HUANG Yunfeng2
CHAI Ling2
LIU Buming2

1. The Management Office of the Longtan Nature Reserve in Guangxi, Hechi, Guangxi, 547300, China;
2. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Quality Standards, Guangxi Institute of Traditional Medical and Pharmaceutical Science, Nanning, Guangxi, 530022, China
The main chemical constituents of volatile oil from Schefflera pes-avis were analyzed and identified in this study to provide the basis for its quality control and the development and utilization of volatile oil.
The oil was obtained by steam distillation, and its chemical components were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.The identified main components and their relative mass content were quantified by normalization method.
The yield of the volatile oil of the leaf was about 0.1%.A total of 45 compounds were identified.Their peak area accounted for 97.5% of the total peak area of the volatile oil.They were terpenes and sesquiterpenes, such as careen, camphene, pinene, and caryophyllene.
The results provided a scientific basis for rational use of Schefflera pes-avis leaf oil and development of new varieties of essential oils.
Key words:
Schefflera pes avis leaf
volatile oil
components analysis
0 引言
【研究意义】樟叶鹅掌柴Schefflera pes-avis R.Vig.为五加科(Araliaceae)鹅掌柴属(Schefflera)植物,小乔木,产于中国广西龙州、大新、靖西、那坡等地,越南北部亦有分布[1],为典型的石灰岩植物,多生于石山悬崖或山顶阳光充足的地方。由于其体内含有挥发油,燃烧时火势特别旺,因此当地人称该树为“火柴木”。壮族民间常用其叶外治跌打肿痛,根及树皮治跌打内伤、风湿骨痛,《广西中药资源名录》和《中国中药资源志要》都有收载[2-3]。【前人研究进展】挥发油是一类具有广泛生物活性的重要成分,在植物中分布广泛,尤其是芳香类植物。许多植物挥发油具有药用功效,如柴胡挥发油具有退热功效,丁香油具有止痛功效,樟脑、冰片、薄荷脑等中药主要由挥发油制成。目前还未见有关樟叶鹅掌柴植物化学成分研究的报道,仅有同属植物七叶莲Schefflera arboricola Hayat和广西鹅掌柴Schefflera kwangsiensis Merr.ex L.i.两种鹅掌柴属植物中挥发油的化学成分研究报道[4-5]。【本研究切入点】对樟叶鹅掌柴叶挥发油的主要化学成分进行研究,获得其化学信息,对药材及其制剂的质量控制及进一步开发利用均具有重要意义。【拟解决的关键问题】对樟叶鹅掌柴叶挥发油进行提取,并运用GC-MS对挥发油成分进行分析研究,为樟叶鹅掌柴综合利用以及开发新型天然精油品种提供研究基础与科学依据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 仪器
Agilent 7890B-5977C气相色谱-质谱联用仪、Agilent 7693A自动进样器、MassHunter质谱工作站、NIST 11版质谱图库。
1.2 样品
樟叶鹅掌柴采集于广西河池县,由广西中医药研究院中药资源研究所黄云峰副研究员鉴定为为五加科(Araliaceae)鹅掌柴属(Schefflera)植物樟叶鹅掌柴Schefflera pes-avis R.Vig.,将新鲜叶捣碎备用。
1.3 方法
1.3.1 挥发油的提取
1.3.2 气相-质谱分析条件
色谱条件:色谱柱Agilent HP-INNOWax(30 m×0.25 mm×0.25 μm)毛细管柱;初始温度70℃,保持3 min,以2℃/min升温到180℃,再以10℃/min升温到240℃,保持10 min;进样量:0.2 μL;分流比:100︰1;流速:0.9 mL/min;进样口温度:250℃;传输线温度:280℃;离子源温度:230℃;四级杆温度:150℃;气化温度:250℃;EI源;电子能量:70 eV;质量扫描范围:m/z 35~450 amu。
2 结果与分析
从樟叶鹅掌柴叶中提取挥发油的得油率约为0.1%。从挥发油中共分离出45个峰(图 1),根据标准谱图库(NIST 11) 和丛浦珠等[7]的研究确定各组分的化学成分,并以面积归一法分别测定计算挥发油中各成分的峰面积相对百分比(表 1)。由图 1和表 1可知,樟叶鹅掌柴挥发油中主要成分为萜烯类物质,占总挥发油超过87%;δ-3-蒈烯、莰烯、β-蒎烯、β-水芹烯、月桂烯、α-水芹烯、α-松油烯7种成分占总挥发油的76.28%。其中,萜烯类成分在中药材中常见,且常用于制作香料、精油等;δ-3-蒈烯具有强烈的松木样香气,是多蕊红茴香果皮挥发油和川芎中主要成分,在芒果中也有较高含量[8],在樟叶鹅掌柴挥发油中含量最高;莰烯广泛用于龙脑、樟脑以及檀香型香料的合成[9];β-蒎烯具有抗炎,祛痰,抗真菌的作用[10]。
表 1(Table 1)
表 1 樟叶鹅掌柴叶挥发油成分GC-MS分析鉴定结果
Table 1 The chemical constituents of volatile oil from Schefflera pes-avis analyzed by GC-MS
编号 No. |
相对保留时间 Relative retention time (min) |
成分 Component |
分子量 Molecular weight |
分子式 Molecular formula |
相对百分含量 Relative percentage content (%) |
1 |
5.604 |
δ-3-蒈烯 δ-3-Carene |
136 |
C10H16 |
27.22 |
2 |
6.403 |
莰烯 Camphene |
136 |
C10H16 |
17.88 |
3 |
7.518 |
β-蒎烯β-Pinene |
136 |
C10H16 |
11.91 |
4 |
7.723 |
β-水芹烯 β-Phellandrene |
136 |
C10H16 |
8.38 |
5 |
8.757 |
月桂烯 Myrcene |
136 |
C10H16 |
5.08 |
6 |
8.91 |
α-水芹烯 α-Phellandrene |
136 |
C10H16 |
3.04 |
7 |
9.371 |
α-松油烯 α-Terpinene |
136 |
C10H16 |
2.76 |
8 |
9.709 |
2, 3-脱氢-1, 8-桉叶素 2, 3-Dehydro-1, 8-cineole |
152 |
C10H16 |
2.19 |
9 |
10.026 |
D-柠檬烯 D-Limonene |
136 |
C10H16 |
2.16 |
10 |
11.254 |
反式-β-罗勒烯 Trans-β-ocimene |
136 |
C10H16 |
1.65 |
11 |
11.786 |
γ-松油烯 γ-Terpinene |
136 |
C10H16 |
1.55 |
12 |
11.96 |
β-罗勒烯 β-Ocimene |
136 |
C10H16 |
1.51 |
13 |
12.892 |
邻-异丙基苯 o-Cymene |
134 |
C10H14 |
1.4 |
14 |
13.352 |
异松油烯 Terpinolene |
136 |
C10H16 |
1.12 |
15 |
17.733 |
α-环氧蒎烷 α-Pinene epoxide |
152 |
C10H16O |
0.86 |
16 |
23.761 |
α-古巴烯 α-Copaene |
204 |
C15H24 |
0.63 |
17 |
25.481 |
1-(1, 4-二甲基-3-环己烯-1-基)乙酮 1-(1, 4-Dimethyl-3-cyclohexen-1-yl)-ethanone |
152 |
C10H16O |
0.61 |
18 |
27.129 |
芳樟醇 Linalol |
154 |
C10H18O |
0.58 |
19 |
27.845 |
反式-1-甲基-4-(1-甲基乙基)-2-环己烯-1-醇 2-Cyclohexen-1-ol, 1-Methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-, trans- |
154 |
C10H18O |
0.52 |
20 |
29.39 |
β-榄香烯 β-Elemene |
204 |
C15H24 |
0.46 |
21 |
29.759 |
石竹烯 Caryophyllene |
204 |
C15H24 |
0.43 |
22 |
30.138 |
松油-4-醇 Terpinen-4-ol |
154 |
C10H18O |
0.4 |
23 |
31.478 |
4-乙基-1, 4-二甲基-2-环己烯-1-醇 2-Cyclohexen-1-ol, 4-ethyl-1, 4-dimethyl- |
154 |
C10H18O |
0.39 |
24 |
33.003 |
(-)-反式-松香芹醇 (-)-Trans-pinocarveol |
152 |
C10H16O |
0.38 |
25 |
33.597 |
葎草烯 Humulene |
204 |
C15H24 |
0.36 |
26 |
34.273 |
顺式-马鞭草醇 Cis-verbenol |
152 |
C10H16O |
0.35 |
27 |
34.815 |
橙花醛 Citral |
152 |
C10H16O |
0.35 |
28 |
35.347 |
L-α-松油醇 L-α-terpineol |
154 |
C10H18O |
0.32 |
29 |
36.217 |
β-芹子烯 β-Selinene |
204 |
C15H24 |
0.3 |
30 |
36.504 |
2-异丙烯基-4a, 8-二甲基-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 8a-八氢萘 2-Isopropenyl-4a, 8-dimethyl-1, 2, 3, 4, 4a, 5, 6, 8a-octahydronaphthalene |
204 |
C15H24 |
0.3 |
31 |
37.036 |
γ-榄香烯 γ-Elemene |
204 |
C15H24 |
0.26 |
32 |
37.957 |
顺式-薄荷醇 cis-Piperitol |
154 |
C10H18O |
0.26 |
33 |
38.397 |
δ-杜松烯 δ-Cadinene |
204 |
C15H24 |
0.24 |
34 |
40.465 |
(-)-桃金娘烯醇 (-)-Myrtenol |
152 |
C10H16O |
0.24 |
35 |
43.453 |
香叶醇 Geraniol |
154 |
C10H18O |
0.23 |
36 |
43.586 |
对甲基苯异丙醇 Benzenemethanol, α, α, 4-trimethyl- |
150 |
C10H14O |
0.22 |
37 |
49.871 |
石竹烯氧化物 Caryophyllene oxide |
220 |
C15H24O |
0.16 |
38 |
55.531 |
1, 4-二羟基-对-䓝-烯 1, 4-Dihydroxy-p-menth-2-ene |
170 |
C10H18O2 |
0.15 |
39 |
56.851 |
匙桉醇 Espatulenol |
220 |
C15H24O |
0.12 |
40 |
58.96 |
τ-杜松醇 τ-Cadinol |
222 |
C15H26O |
0.11 |
41 |
60.74 |
(-)-匙桉醇 (-)-Spathulenol |
220 |
C15H24O |
0.1 |
42 |
60.873 |
α-杜松醇 α-Cadinol |
222 |
C15H26O |
0.08 |
43 |
61.385 |
芹子-6-烯-4-醇 Selina-6-en-4-ol |
222 |
C15H26O |
0.08 |
44 |
62.429 |
4, 4-二甲基-四环[ (2, 5).0(1, 8)]十三烷-9-醇 Tetracyclo[, 5).0(1, 8)]tridecan-9-ol, 4, 4-dimethyl- |
220 |
C15H24O |
0.08 |
45 |
64.057 |
贝壳杉-16烯 Kaur-16-ene |
272 |
C20H32 |
0.06 |
表 1 樟叶鹅掌柴叶挥发油成分GC-MS分析鉴定结果
Table 1 The chemical constituents of volatile oil from Schefflera pes-avis analyzed by GC-MS
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