  • 许明珠,张琴,童潼,董兰芳,杨家林,蒋艳,黄国强.饲料铜水平对方格星虫稚虫生长及体组成的影响[J].广西科学院学报,2016,32(3):209-214.    [点击复制]
  • XU Mingzhu,ZHANG Qin,TONG Tong,DONG Lanfang,YANG Jialin,JIANG Yan,HUANG Guoqiang.Effect of Dietary Copper Level on Growth Performance and Body Composition of Juvenile Peanut Worm, Sipunculus nudus Linnaeus[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2016,32(3):209-214.   [点击复制]
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许明珠, 张琴, 童潼, 董兰芳, 杨家林, 蒋艳, 黄国强
(广西壮族自治区海洋研究所, 广西海洋生物技术重点实验室, 广西北海 536000)
[目的]了解饲料中微量元素铜水平对方格星虫(Sipunculus nudus Linnaeus)稚虫生长及体组成的影响,探索饲料中铜元素的最佳含量。[方法]通过给方格星虫稚虫投喂不同铜水平(2.7 mg/kg,7.5 mg/kg,11.2 mg/kg,19.8 mg/kg,30.4 mg/kg,52.1 mg/kg)的饲料56 d,研究微量元素铜对方格星虫的成活率、增重率(Weight gain rate,WGR)、特定生长率(Specific gain rate,SGR)、体组成成分的影响。[结果]饲料中的微量元素铜水平对方格星虫稚虫的增重率、特定生长率有显著影响(P<0.05)。随着饲料中铜含量的提高,方格星虫稚虫的SGR和WGR都呈先上升后下降,之后再上升的趋势,当饲料铜含量为11.2 mg/kg时,方格星虫稚虫增重率和特定生长率均达到最大值。饲料铜水平对方格星虫稚虫的成活率、体组成成分没有显著影响(P>0.05)。[结论]基础饲料中铜的适宜添加量为7.5~11.2 mg/kg。
关键词:  方格星虫  铜水平  生长性能  成活率  体组成
Effect of Dietary Copper Level on Growth Performance and Body Composition of Juvenile Peanut Worm, Sipunculus nudus Linnaeus
XU Mingzhu, ZHANG Qin, TONG Tong, DONG Lanfang, YANG Jialin, JIANG Yan, HUANG Guoqiang
(Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology of Guangxi, Guangxi Institute of Oceanology, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
[Objective] This trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary copper levels on growth performance and body composition of juvenile peanut worm, Sipunculus nudus Linnaeus.[Methods] S. nudus juveniles with average body weight of (18.45 ±0.11) mg were fed diets with six copper levels (2.7 mg/kg,7.5 mg/kg,11.2 mg/kg,19.8 mg/kg, 30.4 mg/kg,52.1 mg/kg diet) for 56 d.[Results] The results showed that the dietary copper levels had significant effects on weight gain rate (WGR), specific gain rate (SGR) (P < 0.05). With the increasing of dietary copper levels,WGR and SGR were increased,then decreased in generally, and increased again, and reached the maximum at 11.2 mg/kg. No significant differences were observed in survival ratio (SR),body moisture,body protein content, body lipid content and body ash content of S. nudus among dietary treatments with graded levels of copper (P > 0.05).[Conclusion] The dietary copper levels range which could acquire high WGR were from 7.5 mg/kg to 11.2 mg/kg.
Key words:  Sipunculus nudus  copper level  growth performance  survival ratio  body composition

