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黄雅丽,梁士楚,韦宇静,李冰,石贵玉.巨尾桉与黧蒴栲、红锥光响应曲线的比较研究[J].广西科学院学报,2014,30(4):222-228. [点击复制]
- HUANG Ya-li,LIANG Shi-chu,WEI Yu-jing,LI Bing,SHI Gui-yu.Comparative Study on the Light Response Curve of Photosynthesis among Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla,Castanopsis fissa and Castanopsis hystrix[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2014,30(4):222-228. [点击复制]
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巨尾桉与黧蒴栲、红锥光响应曲线的比较研究 |
黄雅丽1,2, 梁士楚1,2, 韦宇静1,2, 李冰1,2, 石贵玉1,2
(1.珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护教育部重点实验室, 广西桂林 541004;2.广西师范大学生命科学学院, 广西桂林 541004) |
摘要: |
[目的]通过对广西桂林灵田乡巨尾桉(Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla)、黧蒴栲(Castanopsis fissa)和红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)光合-光响应曲线研究,寻找高光效阔叶树种。[方法]采用Li-6400便携式光合仪测定各树种光响应曲线。[结果]当光合有效辐射(PAR)开始增强时,各树种间净光合速率(Pn)差异较小,但随着光合有效辐射强度的增加,不同树种间净光合速率出现较大的差异。各树种的净光合速率随着光合有效辐射升高达到最高点之后稳定。蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)、水分利用效率(WUE)和CO2利用效率(CUE)对光合有效辐射的响应趋势与净光合速率相似,胞间CO2浓度、光能利用效率对光合有效辐射的相应趋势则与净光合速率相反。3个树种的净光合速率为3.975~20.800μmol·m-2·s-1,巨尾桉最高,黧蒴栲最低。光补偿点和光饱和点都是巨尾桉最高,黧蒴栲最低。[结论]综合各指标和光响应变化规律,确定巨尾桉为优良的高光效阔叶树种,可在水分和光照条件好的地方适当推广。 |
关键词: 巨尾桉 黧蒴栲 红锥 光响应曲线 特征参数 相关性分析 |
DOI: |
投稿时间:2014-10-10 |
基金项目:广西科技重大专项(2010GXNSFD169007,桂科基1123014,桂科基11166-01,桂科基11199001)资助。 |
Comparative Study on the Light Response Curve of Photosynthesis among Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla,Castanopsis fissa and Castanopsis hystrix |
HUANG Ya-li1,2, LIANG Shi-chu1,2, WEI Yu-jing1,2, LI Bing1,2, SHI Gui-yu1,2
(1.Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection(Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China;2.Colleage of Life Science, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China) |
Abstract: |
[Objective] To select broad-leaf species with high photosynthetic efficiency,we analyzed the light response curve of photosynthesis among Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla,Castanopsis fissa and Castanopsis hystrix in the country of Lingtian, Guilin, Guangxi.[Methods] The Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system was used to measure the light response curves among tree species.[Results] There was little difference in net photosynthetic rate (Pn) among species when photosynthetically active radiation(PAR) began to increase,whereas with the increase in the intensity of PAR,significant differences showed up. The Pn of different species increased and reached the highest stable point with the increase of PAR. The trend of response to PAR in transpiration rate(Tr),stomatal conductance(Gs),water use efficiency(WUE) and CO2 use efficiency (CUE) were similar to that of Pn whereas intercellular CO2 density,light use efficiency showed opposite trend with Pn in response to PAR. The Pn ranged from 3.975 to 20.800 μmol·m2·s-1 among three tree species.Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla showed the highest Pn and Castanopsis fissa the lowest. Highest light compensation point and light saturation point (LSP) appeared in Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla and the lowest appeared in Castanopsis fissa.[Conclusion] Considering the trends of indexes responding to light,Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla was determined as the high light efficiency tree species and can be popularized in the areas with good water and light conditions. |
Key words: Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla Castanopsis fissa Castanopsis hystrix light response curve characteristic parameters correlation analysis |