  • 李欣,魏小平,朱文远,李建平.固体汞电极平行催化伏安法测定痕量亚铁离子[J].广西科学院学报,2010,26(3):323-326.    [点击复制]
  • LI Xin,WEI Xiao-ping,ZHU Wen-yuan,LI Jian-ping.Parallel Catalytic Voltammetric Determination of Fe2+ by Using Solid Amalgam Electrode[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2010,26(3):323-326.   [点击复制]
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李欣, 魏小平, 朱文远, 李建平
(桂林理工大学化学与生物工程学院, 广西桂林 541004)
研究固体汞电极线性扫描伏安法测定痕量亚铁离子(Fe2+)的分析方法。在pH值为5.2的醋酸-醋酸钠缓冲溶液中,亚硝基R盐(NRS)与Fe2+形成络合物,H2O2存在时,在固体汞电极上产生灵敏的还原峰,峰电位-1.3V。峰电流与Fe2+的浓度在5.6×10-7~2.0×10-4 g/L范围内呈线性关系,检出限1.5×10-7 g/L。NRS中的-NO在电极上得2e-还原为中间物质-NHOH。当溶液中存在H2O2时,H2O2可以迅速将其又氧化成-NO,从而形成灵敏的带吸附性质的平行催化体系。该方法灵敏度高,简便快捷,成本低廉,而且使用安全。
关键词:  伏安法  固体汞电极  亚铁离子
Parallel Catalytic Voltammetric Determination of Fe2+ by Using Solid Amalgam Electrode
LI Xin, WEI Xiao-ping, ZHU Wen-yuan, LI Jian-ping
(College of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
The quantitative analysis of Fe2+ by parallel catalytic voltammetric method with the aid of the solid mercury electrode was described in this paper.In acetate sodium acetate buffer (pH=5.2),nitroso R salt (NRS) reacted with Fe2+ to form a complex and a sensitive reductive peak was obtained at -1.3 V in the presence of H2O2. There was a linear relationship between peak current heights and Fe2+ concentration in the range of 5.6×10-7~2.00×10-4g/L, with a detect limit of 1.5×10-7g/L.The influence of buffer solution, the concentration of nitroso R salt and hydrogen peroxide were tested. The mechanism of the parallel catalytic system was proposed. NRS in the complexes of Fe-NRS can be absorbed on the mercury electrode surface and the -NO of NRS was reduced by 2e-to form the intermediate of -NHOH.With the existing H2O2,-NHOH can be oxidized by H2O2 rapidly to reform -NO.Thus,a sensitive reduced current was obtained by the parallel catalytic system. The method had be applied to determine ion contents in water sample.It is low-cost, simple, rapid, accurate and safe.
Key words:  voltammetry  solid amalgam electrode  Fe2+

