  • 甘雨满,刘永宏,刘锴.结合自由能微扰积分法及其在药物研发中的应用[J].广西科学,2020,27(5):493-502.    [点击复制]
  • GAN Yuman,LIU Yonghong,LIU Kai.Application and Research Progress of Binding Free Energy Perturbation Calculation in Drug Discovery[J].Guangxi Sciences,2020,27(5):493-502.   [点击复制]
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甘雨满1, 刘永宏1,2, 刘锴1
(1.广西中医药大学海洋药物研究院, 广西南宁 530200;2.中国科学院南海海洋研究所, 中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室, 广东广州 510301)
以分子动力学为基础的泊松-玻尔兹曼(或广义玻恩)分子表面法(Molecular Mechanics/Poisson-Boltzmann(or Generalized Born)Surface Area,MM/PB(GB)SA)在药物研发过程中取得巨大成功。与MM/PB(GB)SA计算相比,结合自由能微扰积分法通过构建严谨的热力学循环,可对结合自由能进行精确计算,但因为其计算量巨大,所以在实际中应用相对较少。近年来,随着高性能计算机的发展和动力学模拟技术的革新,基于结合自由能微扰积分法的结合自由能计算逐渐成为研究热点。本文简要介绍了以分子动力学为基础的结合自由能微扰积分法的计算过程及其相关联的限制势增强动力学采样技术,并通过具体的实例展现结合自由能微扰积分法在药物研发中的应用前景。
关键词:  分子动力学模拟  自由能计算  微扰积分法  热力学循环  药物设计
Application and Research Progress of Binding Free Energy Perturbation Calculation in Drug Discovery
GAN Yuman1, LIU Yonghong1,2, LIU Kai1
(1.Institute of Marine Drugs, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning, Guangxi, 530200, China;2.CAS Key Laboratory of Tropical Marine Bio-resources and Ecology, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510301, China)
Molecular Mechanics/Poisson Boltzmann (or Generalized Born) Surface Area (MM/PB(GB)SA) based on molecular dynamics is has achieved great success in the process of drug development.Compared with MM/PB(GB)SA calculation,the combined free energy perturbation (FEP) integral method can accurately calculate the combined free energy by constructing a rigorous thermodynamic cycle,but because of its huge amount of calculation,it is relatively less used in practice.In recent years,with the development of high-performance computers and the innovation of dynamic simulation technology,the calculation of combined free energy based on the perturbation integral method of combined free energy has gradually become a research hotspot.This article briefly introduces the calculation process of the combined free energy perturbation integral method based on molecular dynamics and its associated confined potential enhanced dynamic sampling technology,and demonstrates the application prospects of the combined free energy perturbation integration method in drug development through specific examples.
Key words:  molecular dynamics  free energy calculation  perturbation theory  thermodynamic cycle  drug design

