  • 刘旭佳,黄国强,李洁,唐夏,张灵燕.褐牙鲆幼鱼GH、IGF-I、STC、RNA/DNA和糖原含量对盐度操作的响应[J].广西科学,2013,20(2):171-175.    [点击复制]
  • LIU Xu-jia,HUANG Guo-qiang,LI Jie,TANG Xia,ZHANG Ling-yan.Responses of GH,IGF-I,Glycogen Content and RNA/DNA Ratio of Juvenile Paralichthys olivaceus to Salinity Manipulation[J].Guangxi Sciences,2013,20(2):171-175.   [点击复制]
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刘旭佳1, 黄国强1,2, 李洁2, 唐夏2, 张灵燕2
(1.广西海洋研究所海洋生物技术重点实验室, 广西北海 536000;2.中国海洋大学水产学院, 山东青岛 266003)
对不同盐度胁迫10 d后盐度调节至19后恢复期间褐牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)幼鱼血浆生长激素(GH)、类胰岛素生长因子I(IGF-I)、司登尼亚钙素(STC)及肌肉和肝脏中RNA/DNA比值和糖原含量变化进行实验监测。结果表明:血浆GH质量浓度在整个实验期间未出现明显差异。IGF-I质量浓度在高盐处理始终较低,只在实验结束时恢复至对照处理水平,而低盐胁迫处理的IGF-I质量浓度则在恢复期间明显高于对照处理。胁迫期间低盐处理STC质量浓度显著低于对照处理和高盐处理,但是在恢复期间恢复至对照组水平;而高盐胁迫处理则下降至显著低于其余两个处理水平。除在胁迫结束时低盐处理的肝脏RNA/DNA高于其余两个处理外,在其他时间肌肉和肝脏的RNA/DNA在不同处理间不存在显著差异。肝脏和肌肉糖原含量在所有时间上不同处理间均不存在显著差异。
关键词:  褐牙鲆  盐度操作  GH  IGF-I  STC
Responses of GH,IGF-I,Glycogen Content and RNA/DNA Ratio of Juvenile Paralichthys olivaceus to Salinity Manipulation
LIU Xu-jia1, HUANG Guo-qiang1,2, LI Jie2, TANG Xia2, ZHANG Ling-yan2
(1.Guangxi Institute of Oceanology, Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China;2.Ocean University of China, Fisheries College, Qingdao, Shandong, 266003, China)
The responses of plasma growth hormone (GH),Insulin-like growth factor I(IGF-I),stanniocalcin (STC),glycogen content,and RNA/DNA ratio of brown flounder,Paralichthys olivaceus to salinity manipulation are investigate in this experiment.The juvenile P.olivaceus are kept in salinity 5 (IS5),19 (IS19),and 47 (IS47) for 10 d and then are cultured in salinity 19 for 30 d.No significant difference of plasma GH concentration appears during the whole experimental period.The plasma IGF-I concentration of IS47 is lower than that of IS19 in most experimental periods and restores to the level of IS19 at the end of the experiment.The plasma IGF-I concentration is significantly higher in IS5 than in IS19 during the restoring period.The plasma STC concentration is significantly lower in IS5 than in both IS19 and IS47 during the stressing period, but it restores to the level of IS19 during the restoring period.During the restoring periods, the plasma STC concentration is significant lower in IS47 than in IS19 and IS5.The RNA/DNA ratio of liver is higher in IS5 than in both IS19 and IS47 at the end of the stressing period, whereas it appears no significant difference in restoring periods.No significant difference of glycogen content in liver and muscle reveals during the whole experimental period.
Key words:  Paralichthys olivaceus  salinity manipulation  GH  IGF-I  STC

