  • 焦善庆,许弟余,王蜀娟.玻色型反氢原子结构及氘核PB+1nB0PF+1nF0结构函数的矩[J].广西科学,2005,12(1):25-28.    [点击复制]
  • Jiao Shanqing,Xu Diyu,Wang Shujuan.The Structure of a Hydrogen Anti-atom of Bose Type and the Moment of the Structure Function of the Deuterons PB+1nB0 and PF+1nF0[J].Guangxi Sciences,2005,12(1):25-28.   [点击复制]
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焦善庆1, 许弟余2, 王蜀娟3
(1.西南交通大学理学院物理系, 四川成都 610031;2.四川职业技术学院物理系, 四川遂宁 629000;3.中国科学院国家天文台, 北京 100012)
关键词:  超对称伴子  氘核  反氢原子  结构函数的矩  玻色子与费米子
The Structure of a Hydrogen Anti-atom of Bose Type and the Moment of the Structure Function of the Deuterons PB+1nB0 and PF+1nF0
Jiao Shanqing1, Xu Diyu2, Wang Shujuan3
(1.Dept. of Phy., Sci. Coll., Southwest Jiaotong Univ., Chengdu, Sichuan, 610031, China;2.Dept. of Phy., Sichuan Vocational and Technical Coll., Suining, Sichuan, 629000, China;3.National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sci., Beijing, 100012, China)
Based on the particles of Bose type PB+1,nB0 and Ue,B-1,which are respectively the supersymmetry companions of the following particles of Fermi type:the proton PF+1,the neutron nF0 and the electron eF-1,the structure of an anti-atom of hydrogen is discussed,and the structure function moment of the deuteron PF+1nF0 of Fermi type and that of the deuteron PB+1nB0 of Bose type are calculated.As a result,the structure of a hydrogen anti-atom is different from that of the present observed hydrogen anti-aton of Fermi type:the theoretical values of the structure function moment of the deuteron PF+1nF0 coincide well with the experimental data,but the calculated result of that of PB+1nB0 is bigger than that of PF+1nF0.The increase in value can be attributed to the contribution of the structure function of neutral vector antilepton lF,T0 of Fermi type.
Key words:  supersymmetry companions  deuterons  an anti-atom of hydrogen  the moment of a structure function  bosons and fermions

