  • 朱义年,刘辉利,Ingrid Stober,Kurt Bucher.室温下水-花岗岩作用时液相组分的演化[J].广西科学,2003,10(3):216-219.    [点击复制]
  • Zhu Yinian,Liu Huili,Ingrid Stober,Kurt Bucher.Geochemical Evolution of the Aqueous Phase Under Water-Granite Interaction at Room Temperature[J].Guangxi Sciences,2003,10(3):216-219.   [点击复制]
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朱义年, 刘辉利, Ingrid Stober, Kurt Bucher
(桂林工学院资源与环境工程系, 桂林市建干路12号 541004)
关键词:  花岗岩  水-岩作用  水的演化  水的类型
Geochemical Evolution of the Aqueous Phase Under Water-Granite Interaction at Room Temperature
Zhu Yinian, Liu Huili, Ingrid Stober, Kurt Bucher
(Dept. of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Guilin Institute of Technology, 12 Jianganlu, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
The granite-distilled water interaction at 21℃ is investigated with batch-reactors to study water-rock reactions and geochemical evolution of the aqueous phase with the reaction time.The granite samples of grain size 1~2 mm,0.5~1 mm and 0.25~0.5 mm of 150 g and 750 ml water are added into three batch-reactors respectively,and rotated by electromotor with reaction time of 60 days.The results showed thatthe aqueous phases are mainly the Ca-(K)-HCO3-type water or the K-(Ca)-HCO3-type water.K+ and Ca2+ stem are mainly from the dissolution of K-feldspar and anorthite in plagioclase,respectively.K+ can be easily released from the primary K-bearing minerals,it could also easily form secondary minerals and be removed from water.The "problem of excess calcium" in water can best be understood if plagioclase dissolves incongruently.The dramatic solubility difference of anorthite and albite is also one of the most possible reason for the high-Ca water.The experimental result is consistent with the interpretation using the surface-reaction-control rate model and the competition between Na+ and H+ for surface exchange sites.
Key words:  granite  water-rock interaction  water evolution  water type

