  • 邓洪,陈超球,梁利芳.稀土、苯氧乙酸与8-羟基喹啉三元固体配合物的表征及抑菌试验[J].广西科学,2001,8(1):40-43.    [点击复制]
  • Deng Hong,Chen Chaoqiu,Liang Lifang.Characterizing of Complexes of Rare Earth with Phenoxyacetic Acid and 8-Hydroxyquinoline and Their Fungistasis[J].Guangxi Sciences,2001,8(1):40-43.   [点击复制]
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邓洪, 陈超球, 梁利芳
(广西师范学院化学系, 南宁市明秀东路 530001)
在乙醇水溶液体系中合成4种稀土苯氧乙酸与8-羟基喹啉三元固体配合物,其通式为RE(POA)2·hq(RE=Nd、Gd、Dy、Lu;POA=苯氧乙酸根;hq=8-羟基喹啉)。4种配合物均溶于DMF、DMSO,但不溶于水、乙醇、乙醚和丙酮。除Nd(POA)2 hq为黄绿色粉末外,其它3种为黄色粉末。摩尔电导7.32s·cm2·mol-1~8.36s·cm2·mol-1。对配合物进行IR、UV、TG-DTA分析,表明各配合物的紫外光谱、红外光谱均相似;在紫外光区均产生π-π跃迁吸收光谱;配合物热稳定性高于游离配体;随着稀土离子半径的减少,配合物分解温度升高而热稳定性增加。以马铃薯为培养基,在30℃~37℃下观察各配合物(浓度:250×10-6、500×10-6、1000×10-6)对酵母菌的抑菌作用,二甲基甲酰胺为对照,重复2次,结果抑菌环直径为5.7mm~12.2mm;表明各配合物对酵母菌的生长有较强的抑制作用,并随配合物浓度增加而增加;配合物与配体8-羟基喹啉的相差不大,但比稀土效果好。
关键词:  稀土  苯氧乙酸  8-羟基喹啉  配合物
Characterizing of Complexes of Rare Earth with Phenoxyacetic Acid and 8-Hydroxyquinoline and Their Fungistasis
Deng Hong, Chen Chaoqiu, Liang Lifang
(Dept. of Chemistry, Guangxi Teachers College, East Mingxiulu, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China)
Four new solid complexes of rare earth (Ⅲ) with phenoxyacetic acid and 8-hydroquinoline were synthesized in ethanol-water solution. The general formula for these complexes is RE(POA)2·hq(RE=Nd,Gd,Dy,Lu;POA=phenoxyacetic Acid;hq=Hydroxyquinoline).These complexes are all soluble in DMF and DMSO, but insoluble in water, ethanol, ether and acetone. Three of the complexes are yellow powders with exception of Nd(POA)2 hq being yellow green powders. Their molar conductance is 7.32 s·cm2·mol-1~8.36 s·cm2·mol-1.The structure of the complexes are investigated by IR.UV,TG-DTA. These four complexes have similar shape in ultraviolet and ultrared spectra, and produce a π-π saltant absorption spectrum in the ultraviolet field. The thermal stability of the complexes are higher than that of ligand, and increase with reducing of ion radial of rare earth accompanying decomposition temperature raising. Microzyme was treated in three concentrations (250×10-6、500×10-6、1000×10-6) of the four complexes at 30℃~37℃,with potato as medium, DMF as control and repeating test twice. The fungistatic spot ranged from 5.7 mm to 12.2 mm in diameter. These complexes have strong fungistasis to microzyme, and have a trend of increasing with increase of concentration of the complexes. There is no much difference between the complexes and ligand 8-hydroxyquinoline, but the complexes are better than rare earth in fungistasis.
Key words:  rare earth  phenoxyacetic acid  8-Hydroxyquinoline  complexes

