Network topology is usually represented by a graph where vertices represent processor and edges represent links between processors[1].The hypercube has been widely used as the interconnection network in parallel computers[2, 3].The n-dimensional generalized hypercube, denoted by Q(d1, d2, …, dn), where di(≥2) is an integer for each i=1, 2, …, n.The vertex-set of Q(d1, d2, …, dn) is the set V={x1x2…xn: xi∈{0, 1, …, di-1}, i=1, 2, …, n} and two vertices x=x1x2…xn and y=y1y2…yn are linked by an edge if and only if they differ exactly in one coordinate.If d1=d2=…=dn=d≥2, then Q (d, d, …, d) is called the d-ary n-dimensional cube, denoted by Qn(d).It is clear that Qn(2) is hypercube Qn.For two vertices u and v in Qn(d), the Hamming distance h(u, v) between two vertices u and v is the number of different bits in the corresponding strings of both vertices; and the distance between u and v, denoted by D(Qn(d); u, v), is the length of the shortest path between u and v.Obviously, h(u, v)=D(Qn(d); u, v).Let u=u1u2…un be a vertex of Qn(d), uj(a)=v=v1v2…vn is also a vertex of Qn(d), vi=ui (1≤i≤n, i≠j, j∈{1, 2, …, n}), vj≠uj, vj=a∈{0, 1, 2, …, d-1}.A vertex is fault-free if it is not faulty.An edge is fault-free if the two end-vertices and the link between them are not faulty.A cycle of length k is called k-cycle.A graph G is vertex-transitive if for any given pair (x, y) of vertices in G there is some θ∈Aut(G)(Aut(G) is an automorphism group of G) such that y=θ(x).
The cycle embedding problem deals with all possible lengths of the cycles in a given graph, it is investigated in a lot of interconnection networks[4].The fault-tolerant capacity of an interconnection network is a critical issue in parallel computing[2].For hypercube Qn, Saad and Schultz[5] proved that an even cycle of length k exists for each even integer between 4 and 2n.Let fe (respectively, fv) be the number of faulty edges (respectively, vertices) in Qn.If fe≤n-2, Li et al.[1] proved that every fault-free edge of Qn(n≥3) lies on a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to 2n.If fe≤n-1 and all faulty edges are not incident with the same vertex, Xu et al.[6]showed that every fault-free edge of Qn (n≥4) lies on a fault-free cycle of every even length from 6 to 2n.Fu[7] proved that a fault-free cycle of length with at least 2n-2fv can be embedded in Qn with fv≤2n-4.If fv≤2n-2, Tsai[2] proved that every fault-free edge and fault-free vertex of Qn lies on a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to 2n-2fv.Stewart and Xiang[8] studied the bipanconnectivity and bipancyclicity in k-ary n-cubes.Cheng et al.[9] studied the vertex-fault-tolerant cycles embedding in balanced hypercubes with faulty edges; Hao et al.[10] studied the hamiltonian cycle embedding for fault tolerance in balanced hypercubes.
In this article, we study the cycle embedding in Qn(d).For any subset F of V(Qn(d))(n≥3) with |F|≤n-2, we prove that every fault-free edge and fault-free vertex (node) of Qn(d) lies on a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to dn-2|F|.If d=2, these results are the results of Tsai[2].
1 PreliminariesThe n-bit Gray code is a ring sequence of n-bit numbers (the number of each coordinate is selected from {0, 1, 2, …, d-1}) such that any two successive numbers have one and only one different bit and so that all numbers having n bits are represented.The n-bit Gray code is denoted by Gn.If d is an even number.One starts with the sequence of the d 1-bit numbers 0, 1, 2, …, d-1.This is a 1-bit Gray code, i.e., G1={0, 1, 2, …, d-1}.To obtain a 2-bit Gray code G2, take the same sequence and insert a zero in front of each number, then take the sequence in reverse order and insert a one in front of each number, take the same sequence and insert a 2 in front of each number, then take the sequence in reverse order and insert a 3 in front of each number, take the same sequence and insert a d-2 in front of each number, then take the sequence in reverse order and insert a d-1 in front of each number.In other words, from G1={0, 1, 2, …, d-1}, we get a 2-bit Gray code G2={00, 01, …, 0(d-2), 0(d-1), 1(d-1), 1(d-2), …, 11, 10, …, (d-2)0, (d-2)1, …, (d-2)(d-2), (d-2)(d-1), (d-1)(d-1), (d-1)(d-2), …, (d-1)1, (d-1)0}.More generally, denoted by GnR the sequence obtained from Gn by reversing its order, and by mGn, m=0, 1, 2, …, d-1 (respectively, mGnR) the sequence obtained from Gn by inserting a m in front of each element of the sequence, then an (n+1)-bit Gray code can be generated by the recursion Gn+1={0Gn, 1GnR, 2Gn, 3GnR, …, (d-2)Gn, (d-1)GnR}.If d is an odd number, Gray codes can be similar to generate.
Let Vn be the set of vertices of Qn(d).For a given i(0≤i≤d-1), let iVn-1 be the subset of vertices of Qn(d) whose fist coordinate is i.Thus the set of vertices of Qn(d) can be decomposed into d disjoint subsets 0Vn-1, 1Vn-1, …, (d-1)Vn-1.We use iQn-1(d) to denote the subgraph of Qn(d) induced by iVn-1.Then iQn-1(d) is isomorphic to Qn-1(d).It is often convenient to write Qn(d)=0Qn-1(d)Θ1Qn-1(d)Θ…Θ(d-1)Qn-1(d).
Lemma 1 Let u and v be two distinct vertices of Qn(d).Then, there is a partition which can partition Qn(d) into d copies Qn-1(d), denoted by Qn-1i(d) i 0, 1, …, d-1) such that u∈V(Qn-1m(d)) and v∈V(Qn-1k(d))(m, k∈{0, 1, 2, …, d-1}, m≠k}.
Proof Let u=u1u2…un and v=v1v2…vn.Since u and v are distinct vertices, there is an index j(j∈{1, 2, …, n} such that uj≠vj, uj∈{0, 1, …, d-1}, vj∈{0, 1, …, d-1}.Therefore, Qn(d) can be partitioned along dimension j into d copies Qn-1(d) such that one contains u and the other contains v.
Lemma 2 Let e=(u, v) be an edge of Qn(d).Then, there is a partition which can partition Qn(d) into d copies Qn-1(d), denoted by Qn-1i(d)(i=0, 1, …, d-1) such that u∈V(Qn-1m(d)) and v∈V(Qn-1m(d))(m∈{0, 1, 2, …d-1}), i.e., e is an edge of Qn-1m(d).
Proof Let e=(u, v) be an edge of Qn(d), u=u1u2…un, v=v1v2…vn, then, there is an index i(i∈{1, 2, …, n}) such that ui≠vi, uj=vj(1≤j≤n, j≠i).Therefore, Qn(d) can be partitioned along dimension j into d copies Qn-1(d) such that e∈E(Qn-1m(d))(m∈{0, 1, 2, …, d-1}).
2 d is an even numberTheorem 1 Let x and y be any two vertices in Qn(d)(n≥2) and l be any integer with D(Qn(d); x, y)≤l≤dn-1.If d is an even number and l-D(Qn(d); x, y) is also an even number, then there is an xy-path of length l in Qn(d).
Proof Let D(Qn(d); x, y)=m.The proof is based on the recursive structure of Qn(d) by induction on n≥2.When n=2, if D(Q2(d); x, y)=1.By the vertex-transitivity of Q2(d)[3], without loss of generality, we can assume x=00, y=01.
x=00→01=y, x=00→02→03→01=y, x=00→02→03→04→05→01=y, …, x=00→02→03→04→05→…→0(d-2)→0(d-1)→01=y are the xy-path of length l=1, 3, 5, …, d-1 in Q2(d).
x=00→10→12→02→03→04→05→…→0(d-2)→0(d-1)→01=y.x=00→10→20→22→12→02→03→04→05→…→0(d-2)→0(d-1)→01=y.….x=00→10→20→30→40→…→(d-2)0→(d-1)0→(d-1)2→(d-2)2→…→22→12→02→03→04→05→…→0(d-2)→0(d-1)→01=y.….x=00→10→20→30→40→…→(d-2)0→(d-1)0→(d-1)2→(d-2)2→…→22→12→02→03→13→23→…→(d-2)3→(d-1)3→(d-1)4→(d-2)4→…→24→14→04→05→…→0(d-1)→1(d-1)→2(d-1)→…→(d-2)(d-1)→(d-1)(d-1)→(d-1)1→(d-2)1→…→21→11→01=y are the xy-path of length l=d+1, d+3, …, 3(d-1), …, d2-1 in Q2(d).
When n=2, if D(Q2(d); x, y)=2.By the vertex-transitivity of Q2(d)[3], without loss of generality, we can assume x=00, y=11.
x=00→10→11=y, x=00→20→30→10→11=y.x=00→20→30→40→50→10→11=y.….x=00→20→30→40→50→…→(d-2)0→(d-1)0→10→11=y are the xy-path of length l=2, 4, 6, …, d in Q2(d).
x=00→01→21→20→30→40→50→…→(d-2)0→(d-1)0→10→11=y.x=00→01→02→22→21→20→30→40→50→…→(d-2)0→(d-1)0→10→11=y.….x=00→01→02→…→0(d-2)→0(d-1)→2(d-1)→2(d-2)→…→22→21→20→30→40→…(d-3)0→(d-2)0→(d-1)0→10→11=y.….x=00→01→02→…→0(d-2)→0(d-1)→2(d-1)→2(d-2)→…→22→21→20→30→31→32→…→3(d-2)→3(d-1)→4(d-1)→4(d-2)→…→42→41→40→…→(d-3)0→(d-3)1→(d-3)2→…→(d-3)(d-2)→(d-3)(d-1)→(d-2)(d-1)→(d-2)(d-2)→…→(d-2)2→(d-2)1→(d-2)0→(d-1)0→(d-1)2→(d-1)3→…→(d-1)(d-2)→(d-1)(d-1)→1(d-1)→1(d-2)→…→13→12→10→11=y are the xy-path of length l=d+2, d+4, …, 3d-2, …, d2-2 in Q2(d).
Assuming the theorem holds for any k with 2≤k < n.Let x=x1x2…xn and y=y1y2…yn be any two vertices with distance m in Qn(d) and let l be an integer with m≤l≤dn-1 and l-m is an even number.Let Qn(d)=0Qn-1(d)Θ1Qn-1(d)Θ…Θ(d-1)Qn-1(d).
Case 1 m < n
By the vertex-transitivity of Qn(d)[3], without loss of generality, we can assume x, y∈V(0Qn-1(d)).By the induction hypothesis, there is an xy-path of length l in Qn(d), where m≤l≤dn-1-1.
Assuming dn-1≤l≤2×dn-1-1.Let P0 be the longest xy-path in 0Qn-1(d), the length of P0 is lP0 and lP0-m is an even number.We have lP0=dn-1-1 if m is odd and lP0=dn-1-2 if m is even.Let l1=l-lP0-1.Then l1 is odd and less than dn-1.Let uv be any edge in P0, and u, v∈0Qn-1(d), u≠x, u≠y, v≠x, v≠y.Then P0=P0xu+uv+P0vy.Let u′ and v′ be neighbors of u and v in 1Qn-1(d).By the induction hypothesis, there is a u′v′-path P1 of length l1 in 1Qn-1(d).Then P0xu+uu′+P1+v′v+P0vy is an xy-path of length l in 0Qn-1(d)Θ1Qn-1(d), this is also an xy-path of length l in Qn(d).
Assuming 2×dn-1≤l≤3×dn-1-1.Let P01 be the longest xy-path in 0Qn-1(d)Θ1Qn-1(d), the length of P01 is lP01 and lP01-m is an even number.We have lP01=2×dn-1-1 if m is odd and lP01=2×dn-1-2 if m is even.Let l2=l-lP01-1.Then l2 is odd and less than dn-1.Let u1v1 be any edge in P01, and u1, v1∈1Qn-1(d), u1≠u′, u1≠v′, v1≠u′, v1≠v′.Then P01=P01xu1+u1v1+P01v1y.Let u′1 and v1′ be neighbors of u1 and v1 in 2Qn-1(d).By the induction hypothesis, there is an u′1v1′-path P2 of length l2 in 2Qn-1(d).Then P01xu1+u1u1′+P2+v1′v1+P01v1y is an xy-path of length l in 0Qn-1(d)Θ1Qn-1(d)Θ2Qn-1(d), this is also an xy-path of length l in Qn(d).
…, …, …
Assuming (d-1)×dn-1≤l≤dn-1.Let P01…(d-2) be the longest xy-path in 0Qn-1(d)Θ1Qn-1(d)Θ…Θ(d-2)Qn-1(d), the length of P01…(d-2) is lP01…(d-2) and lP01…(d-2)-m is an even number.We have P01…(d-2)=(d-1)×dn-1-1 if m is odd and P01…(d-2)=(d-1)×dn-1-2 if m is even.Let ld-1=l-lP01…(d-2)-1.Then ld-1 is odd and less than dn-1.Let ud-2vd-2 be any edge in P01…(d-2), and ud-2, vd-2∈(d-2)Qn-1(d), ud-2≠u′d-3, ud-2≠v′d-3, vd-2≠u′d-3, vd-2≠v′d-3.Then P01…(d-2)=P01…(d-2)xu→d-2+ud-2vd-2+P01…(d-2)v→d-2y.Let u′d-2 and v′d-2 be neighbors of ud-2 and vd-2 in (d-1)Qn-1(d).By the induction hypothesis, there is an u′d-2v′d-2-path Pd-1 of length ld-1 in (d-1)Qn-1(d).Then P01…→(d-2)xu→d-2+ud-2u′d-2+Pd-1+v′d-2vd-2+P01…(d-2)v→d-2yis an xy-path of length l in Qn(d).
Case 2 m=n
By the vertex-transitivity of Qn(d)[3], without loss of generality, we can assume x∈V(0Qn-1(d)), y∈V(1Qn-1(d)).Let v be a neighbor of y in 1Qn-1(d), u be the neighbor of v in 0Qn-1(d).Then D(Qn-1(d); x, u)=n-2.
If n≤l≤dn-1+1.By the induction hypothesis, there is an xu-path P of length l-2 in 0Qn-1(d), Then P+uv+vy is an xy-path of length l in Qn(d).
If dn-1+2≤l≤2×dn-1-1.Let P0 be the longest xu-path in 0Qn-1(d), the length of P0 is lP0 and lP0-m is an even number.We have lP0=dn-1-1 if m is odd and lP0=dn-1-2 if m is even.Let l1=l-lP0-1.Then l1 is odd and less than dn-1.By the induction hypothesis, there is a vy-path P1 of length l1 in 1Qn-1(d).Then P0+uv+P1 is an xy-path of length l in 0Qn-1(d)Θ1Qn-1(d), this is also an xy-path of length l in Qn(d).
If 2×dn-1≤l≤3×dn-1-1.Let P01 be the longest xy-path in 0Qn-1(d)Θ1Qn-1(d), the length of P01 is lP01 and lP01-m is an even number.We have lP01=2×dn-1-1 if m is odd and lP01=2×dn-1-2 if m is even.Let l2=l-lP01-1.Then l2 is odd and less than dn-1.Let u1v1 be any edge in P01, and u1, v1∈1Qn-1(d), u1≠v, u1≠y, v1≠v, v1≠y.Then P01=P01xu1+u1v1+P01v1y.Let u′1 and v′1 be neighbors of u1 and v1 in 2Qn-1(d).By the induction hypothesis, there is an u′1v′1-path P2 of length l2 in 2Qn-1(d).Then P01xu1+u1u′1+P2+v′1v1+P01v1y is an xy-path of length l in 0Qn-1(d)Θ1Qn-1(d)Θ2Qn-1(d), this is also an xy-path of length l in Qn(d).
The rest of the proof is similar to Case 1.
By the induction principle, the theorem follows.
Applying Theorem 1, we have
Corollary 1 For any n≥2, every edge of Qn(d)(d≥2, d is an even number) lies on a cycle of every even length from 4 to dn.
Applying Theorem 1.If d=2, we have
Corollary 2 [1, 3] Let x and y be any two vertices in Qn(n≥2) and l be any integer with D(Qn; x, y)≤l≤2n-1.If l-D(Qn; x, y) is an even number, then there is an xy-path of length l in Qn.
Let F be a set of faulty vertices in Qn(d).
Lemma 3 For any subset F of V(Q2(d))(d≥4, d is an even number) with |F|≤1, every edge of Q2(d)-F lies on a fault-free k-cycle, k=4, 6, …, d2-2|F|.
Proof In this article, the operation is modulo d.By corollary 1, we only consider |F|=1.Since Q2(d) is vertex-transitive[3], without loss of generality, we may assume that the faulty vertex is w=00.Let e=(u, v)=(x1*x2*, x1*x2**) be a fault-free edge of Q2(d).We may assume that x1*≠0(x1*=0 is similar), (x1*x2*, x1*(x2*+1), …, x1*(x2*+2i), x1*x2**, x1*x2*) (i=1, 2, …,
(x1*x2*, x1*(x2*+1), …, x1*(x2*+d-2), x1*(x2*+d-1), …, (x1*+k)(x2*+k×(d-1)), (x1*+k)(x2*+k×(d-1)+1), …, (x1*+k)(x2*+k×(d-1)+2i), (x1*+k)x2*, x1*x2**, x1*x2*)(k=1, 2, …, d-2;i=0, 1, …,
We may assume that x2**≠0(x2**=0 similar), (x1*x2*, x1*(x2*+1), …, x1*(x2*+d-2), x1*(x2*+d-1), (x1*+1)(x2*+d-1), (x1*+1)(x2*+d), …, (x1*+1)(x2*+2×(d-1)), …, (x1*+d-2)(x2*+(d-2)(d-1)), (x1*+d-2)(x2*+(d-2)(d-1)+1), …, (x1*+d-2)(x2*+(d-1)(d-1)), 0(x2*+(d-1)(d-1)), 0(x2*+(d-1)(d-1)+1), …, 0(x2*+(d-1)(d-1)+2i), 0x2**, x1*x2**, x1*x2*), (i=0, 1, …,
Lemma 4 For any subset F of V(Q3(d))(d≥2, d is an even number) with |F|≤1, every edge of Q3(d)-F lies on a fault-free k-cycle, k=4, 6, …, d3-2|F|.
Proof By Corollary 1, we only consider |F|=1.Since Q3(d) is vertex-transitive[3], without loss of generality, we may assume that the faulty vertex is w=000.Let e=(u, v) be a fault-free edge of Q3(d).By Lemma 2, Q3(d) can be partitioned into dQ2(d), denoted by Q2i(d), 0≤i≤d-1;e∈Qn-1m(d)(m∈{1, 2, …, d-1}).Without loss of generality, we may assume that Q3(d) is partitioned along dimension j(j∈{1, 2, 3}) into dQ2(d), e∈Q21(d) (If e∉Q21(d) is similar).By Corollary 1, there is a fault-free even k-cycle in Q21(d) containing the edge e where 4≤k≤d2.Thus, the cycle of every even length from 4 to d2 containing the edge e in Q3(d) can be found in Q21(d).Let C1* be a fault-free even d2-cycle containing the edge e in Q21(d).Because d2≥4, therefore, C1* has an edge (u1, v1), (u1, v1)≠e, the cycle C1* can be represented as (u1, v1, P1[v1, u1], u1) where e lies on the path P1[v1, u1].
u1j(2)∈Q22(d), v1j(2)∈Q22(d), h(u1, v1)=1, h(u1, u1j(2))=1, h(v1, v1j(2))=1, h(u1j(2), v1j(2))=1.By Corollary 1, there are even cycles with lengths from 4 to d2 inclusive in Q22(d) that each cycle contains the edge (u1j(2), v1j(2)).Let Cl2=(v1j(2), u1j(2), P2[u1j(2), v1j(2)], v1j(2)) be an even l2-cycle containing the edge (u1j(2), v1j(2)) in Q22(d) where 4≤l2≤d2.Merging the two cycles C1* and Cl2 as well as the two edge (u1, u1j(2)) and (v1, v1j(2)), we can construct a fault-free even cycle C12=(v1, P1[v1, u1], u1, u1j(2), P2[u1j(2), v1j(2)], v1j(2), v1) which contains e.Obviously, l(C12)=l(P1[v1, u1])+l(P2[u1j(2), v1j(2)])+2 where l(P1[v1, u1])=d2-1 and l(P2[u1j(2), v1j(2)])=1, 3, …, d2-1.Therefore, C12 is an even cycle of length from d2+2 to 2d2 and contains the edge e.
Let C12…i*(i=2, 3, …, d-2) be a fault-free even i×d2-cycle containing the edge e.C12…i* has an edge (ui, vi), (ui, vi)∉{e, (u1, v1), …, (ui-1, vi-1)}, the cycle C12…i* can be represented as (ui, vi, P12…i[vi, ui], ui) where e lies on the path P12…i[vi, ui].uij(i+1)∈Q2i+1(d), vij(i+1)∈Q2i+1(d), h(ui, vi)=1, h(ui, uij(i+1))=1, h(vi, vij(i+1))=1, h(uij(i+1), vij(i+1))=1.By Corollary 1, there are even cycles with lengths from 4 to d2 inclusive in Q2i+1(d) that each cycle contains the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)).Let Cli+1=(vij(i+1), uij(i+1), Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)], vij(i+1)) be an even li+1-cycle containing the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)) in Q2i+1(d) where 4≤li+1≤d2.Merging the two cycles C12…i* and Cli+1 as well as the two edge (ui, uiJ(i+1)) and (vi, viJ(i+1)), we can construct a fault-free even cycle C12…(i+1)=(vi, P12…i[vi, ui], ui, uij(i+1), Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)], vij(i+1), vi) which contains e.Obviously, l(C12…(i+1))=l(P12…i[vi, ui])+l(Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)])+2 where l(P12…i[vi, ui])=i×d2-1 and l(Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)])=1, 3, …, d2-1.Therefore, C12…(i+1) is an even cycle of length from i×d2+2 to (i+1)×d2 and contains the edge e.
Let C12…(d-1)* be a fault-free even (d-1)×d2-cycle containing the edge e.C12…(d-1)* has an edge (ud-1, vd-1), (ud-1, vd-1)∉{e, (u1, v1), …, (ud-2, vd-2)}, the cycle C12…(d-1)* can be represented as (ud-1, vd-1, P12…(d-1)[vd-1, ud-1], ud-1) where e lies on the path P12…(d-1)[vd-1, ud-1].ud-1j(0)∈Q20(d)-F, vd-1j(0)∈Q20(d)-F, h(ud-1, vd-1)=1, h(ud-1, ud-1j(0))=1, h(vd-1, vd-1j(0))=1, h(ud-1j(0), vd-1j(0))=1.By Lemma 3, there are even cycles with lengths from 4 to d2-2|F| inclusive in Q20(d)-F that each cycle contains the edge (ud-1j(0), vd-1j(0)).Let Cl0=(vd-1j(0), ud-1j(0), P0[ud-1j(0), vd-1j(0)], vd-1j(0)) be an even l0-cycle containing the edge (ud-1j(0), vd-1j(0)) in Q20(d)-F where 4≤l0≤d2-2|F|.Merging the two cycles C12…(d-1)* and Cl0 as well as the two edge (ud-1, ud-1J(0)) and (vd-1, vd-1J(0)), we can construct a fault-free even cycle C12…(d-1)0=(vd-1, P12…(d-1)[vd-1, ud-1], ud-1, ud-1j(0), P0[ud-1j(0), vd-1j(0)], vd-1j(d-1), vd-1) which contains e.Obviously, l(C12…(d-1)0)=l(P12…(d-1)[vd-1, ud-1])+l(P0[ud-1j(0), vd-1j(0)])+2 where l(P12…(d-1)[vd-1, ud-1])=(d-1)×d2-1 and l(P0[ud-1j(0), vd-1j(0)])=1, 3, …, d2-1-2|F|.Therefore, C12…(d-1)0 is an even cycle of length from (d-1)×d2+2 to d3-2|F| and contains the edge e.
Similar to Lemma 4, we have
Theorem 2 Let n≥3 be an integer and Qn(d)(d≥2, d is an even number) has exactly one faulty vertex.Then, every fault-free edge of Qn(d) lies on a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to dn-2.
Theorem 3 Let n≥3 be an integer.For any subset F of V(Qn(d))(d≥2, d is an even number) with |F|=fv≤n-2, every edge of Qn(d)-F lies on a cycle of every even length from 4 to dn-2fv.
Proof We prove this theorem by induction on n.By Lemma 4, Theorem 3 holds for n=3.Assuming that the theorem is true for every integer k(3≤k≤n).Let F be a subset of V(Qk+1(d)) and |F|=fv.By Corollary 1 and Theorem 2, Theorem 3 holds for fv≤1.Thus, we only consider the case of 2≤fv≤n-2.
Let w and z be two distinct faulty vertices.By Lemma 1, Qk+1(d) can be partitioned along dimension j(j∈{1, 2, …, k+1} into d copies Qk(d), denoted by Qki(d)(i=0, 1, 2, …, d-1), w∈Qkl(d), z∈Qkm(d)(l, m∈{0, 1, 2, …, d-1}, l≠m).Let fi=|F∩V(Qki(d))|.i=0, 1, 2, …, d-1, i.e., fv=∑ d-1 i=0 fi.Therefore, fi≤k-2, i=0, 1, 2, …, d-1.Let e=(u, v) be a fault-free edge of Qk+1(d)-F.In order to prove this theorem, we establish every even l-cycle containing e where 4≤l≤dk+1-2fv.
Case 1: e∈E(Qk0(d))∪E(Qk1(d))∪…∪E(Qkd-1(d)), i.e., e lies on Qki(d)(i=0, 1, 2, …, d-1).We only consider that e∈E(Qk0(d))(e∉E(Qk0(d)) is similar).
Since f0≤k-2, by induction hypothesis, there is a fault-free even l0-cycle in Qk0(d) containing the edge e where 4≤l0≤dk-2f0.Thus, the cycle of every even length from 4 to dk-2f0 containing the edge e in Qk+1(d) can be found in Qk0(d).Let Cl0* be a fault-free even l0*-cycle containing the edge e in Qk0(d) where l0*=dk-2f0.One can observe that there are at least
Since f1≤k-2, by induction hypothesis, there are even cycles with lengths from 4 to dk-2f1 in Qk1(d) that each cycle contains the edge (u0j(1), v0j(1)), Let Cl1=(v0j(1), u0j(1), P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)], v0j(1)) be an even l1-cycle containing the edge (u0j(1), v0j(1)) in Qk1(d) where 4≤l1≤dk-2f1.Merging the two cycles Cl0* and Cl1 as well as the two edges (u0, u0j(1)) and (v0, v0j(1)), we can construct a fault-free even cycle C01=(v0, P0[v0, u0], u0, u0j(1), P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)], v0j(1), v0) which contains e.Obviously, l(C01)=l(P0[v0, u0])+l(P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)])+2 where l(C01)=dk-2f0-1, and l(P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)])=1, 3, …, dk-2f1-1.Therefore, the cycle C01 is of length from dk-2f0+2 to 2×dk-2(f0+f1) and contains the edge e.
Let C012…i*(i=1, 2, …, d-2) be a fault-free even ((i+1)×dk-2
Since fi+1≤k-2, by induction hypothesis, there are even cycles with lengths from 4 to dk-2fi+1 in Qki+1(d) that each cycle contains the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)).Let Cli+1=(vij(i+1), uij(i+1), Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)], vij(i+1)) be an even li+1-cycle containing the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)) in Qki+1(d) where 4≤li+1≤dk-2fi+1.Merging the two cycles C012…i* and Cli+1 as well as the two edges (ui, uij(i+1)) and (vi, vij(i+1)), we can construct a fault-free even cycle C01…i(i+1)=(vi, P01…i[vi, ui], ui, uij(i+1), Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)], vij(i+1), vi) which contains e.Obviously, l(C01…i(i+1))=l(P01…i[vi, ui])+l(Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)])+2 where l(P01…i[vi, ui])=(i+1)×dk-2
Case 2: e∉E(Qk0(d))∪E(Qk1(d))∪…∪E(Qkd-1(d)), i.e., u∈Qkl(d)(l∈{0, 1, …, d-1}), v∈Qkm(d)(m∈{0, 1, …, d-1}), l≠m, e is an edge of dimension j and v=uj(a)(j∈{1, 2, …, k+1}, a∈{0, 1, …, d-1}).
We assume that u∈Qk0(d) and v∈Qk1(d) (If u∉Qk0(d) or v∉Qk1(d) is similar).Since fv≤(k+1)-2=k-1, there is an integer i(i∈{1, 2, …, k+1}), i≠j, such that ui(a) and vi(a)(a∈{0, 1, …, d-1}) are fault-free.Thus, (u, ui(a), vi(a), v, u) is a fault-free 4-cycle containing the edge e.Noting that u and ui(a) (respectively, v and vi(a)) are adjacent in Qk0(d) (respectively, Qk1(d)).Since f0≤k-2 and f1≤k-2, by induction hypothesis, there is an even l0-cycle in Qk0(d) containing the edge (u, ui(a)) such as Cl0=(u, ui(a), P0[ui(a), u], u) and there is an even l1-cycle in Qk1(d) containing the edge (v, vi(a)) such as Cl1=(vi(a), v, P1[v, vi(a)], vi(a)) where 4≤l0≤dk-2f0 and 4≤l1≤dk-2f1.Combining the 4-cycle (u, ui(a), vi(a), v, u) and a 4-cycle containing (u, ui(a)) in Qk0(d), the desired 6-cycle can be obtained.Merging the two cycles Cl0 and Cl1 as well as the two edges (u, v) and (ui(a), vi(a)), we can construct a fault-free even cycle C01=(u, v, P1[v, vi(a)], vi(a), ui(a), P0[ui(a), u], u) which contains e.Obviously, l(C01)=l(P1[v, vi(a)])+l(P0[ui(a), u])+2 where l(P0[ui(a), u])=3, 5, …, dk-2f0-1 and l(P1[v, vi(a)])=3, 5, …, dk-2f1-1.This implies that 8≤l(C01)≤2×dk-2(f0+f1), l(C01) is even and C01 contains the edge e.
Let C012…i*(i=1, 2, …, d-2) be a fault-free even ((i+1)×dk-2
Since |F|≤n-2 and the degree of any vertex of Qn(d) is n(d-1), any fault-free vertex of Qn(d) has at least n(d-2)+2 fault-free neighbors.Thus, every fault-free vertex can be incident by a fault-free edge.Therefore, we have
Corollary 3 Let n≥3 be an integer.For any subset F of V(Qn(d))(d≥2, d is an even number) with |F|≤n-2, every vertex of Qn(d)-F lies on a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to dn-2|F|.
Applying Theorem 3.If d=2, we have
Corollary 4[2] Assuming that n≥3.For any subset F of V(Qn(d)) with |F|=fv≤n-2, every edge of Qn(d)-F lies on a cycle of every even length from 4 to 2n-2fv.
Applying Corollary 4.We have
Corollary 5[2] Let n≥3 be an integer.For any subset F of V(Qn(d)) with |F|≤n-2, every vertex of Qn-F lies on a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to 2n-2|F|.
3 d is an odd numberTheorem 4 Let x and y be any two vertices in Qn(d)(n≥2) and l be any integer with D(Qn(d); x, y)≤l≤dn-1.If d is an odd number, l-D(Qn(d); x, y) is an even number, then there is an xy-path of length l in Qn(d).Moreover, if D(Qn(d); x, y)=1, there is an xy-path of length l=dn-1 in Qn(d).
Proof Let D(Qn(d); x, y)=m.The proof is based on the recursive structure of Qn(d) by induction on n≥2.
When n=2, if D(Qn(d); x, y)=1.By the vertex-transitivity of Q2(d)[3], without loss of generality, we can assume x=00, y=01.
x=00→01=y, x=00→02→03→01=y, x=00→02→03→04→05→01=y, …, x=00→02→03→04→05→…→0(d-3)→0(d-2)→01=y are the xy-path of length l=1, 3, 5, …, d-2 in Q2(d).
x=00→10→12→02→03→04→05→…→0(d-3)→0(d-2)→01=y, x=00→10→20→22→12→02→03→04→05→…→0(d-3)→0(d-2)→01=y, ….
x=00→10→20→30→40→…→(d-2)0→(d-1)0→(d-1)2→(d-2)2→…→22→12→02→03→13→23→…→(d-2)3→(d-1)3→(d-1)4→(d-2)4→…→24→14→04→…→0(d-4)→1(d-4)→2(d-4)→…→(d-2)(d-4)→(d-1)(d-4)→(d-1)(d-3)→(d-2)(d-3)→…→2(d-3)→1(d-3)→0(d-3)→0(d-2)→1(d-2)→2(d-2)→…→(d-2)(d-2)→(d-1)(d-2)→(d-1)1→(d-2)1→…→21→11→01=y, ….
x=00→10→20→30→40→…→(d-2)0→(d-1)0→(d-1)2→(d-2)2→…→22→12→02→03→13→23→…→(d-2)3→(d-1)3→(d-1)4→(d-2)4→…→24→14→04→…→0(d-4)→1(d-4)→2(d-4)→…→(d-2)(d-4)→(d-1)(d-4)→(d-1)(d-3)→(d-2)(d-3)→…→2(d-3)→1(d-3)→0(d-3)→0(d-2)→1(d-2)→2(d-2)→…→(d-2)(d-2)→(d-1)(d-2)→(d-1)1→(d-1)(d-1)→(d-2)(d-1)→(d-2)1→(d-3)1→(d-3)(d-1)→(d-4)(d-1)→(d-4)1→…→21→2(d-1)→1(d-1)→11→01=y are the xy-path of length l=d, d+2, …, d2-d-1, …, d2-2 in Q2(d).
x=00→10→20→30→40→…→(d-2)0→(d-1)0→(d-1)2→(d-2)2→…→22→12→02→03→13→23→…→(d-2)3→(d-1)3→(d-1)4→(d-2)4→…→24→14→04→…→0(d-4)→1(d-4)→2(d-4)→…→(d-2)(d-4)→(d-1)(d-4)→(d-1)(d-3)→(d-2)(d-3)→…→2(d-3)→1(d-3)→0(d-3)→0(d-2)→1(d-2)→2(d-2)→…→(d-2)(d-2)→(d-1)(d-2)→(d-1)1→(d-1)(d-1)→(d-2)(d-1)→(d-2)1→(d-3)1→(d-3)(d-1)→(d-4)(d-1)→(d-4)1→…→21→2(d-1)→0(d-1)→1(d-1)→11→01=y is the xy-path of length l=d2-1 in Q2(d).
The rest of the inductive proof are similar to Theorem 1.
Applying Theorem 4, we have
Corollary 6 For any n≥2, every edge of Qn(d)(d≥3, d is an odd number) lies on a cycle of every even length from 4 to dn-1.Moreover, every edge of Qn(d) lies on a cycle of length dn.
Similar to Lemma 3.We have
Lemma 5 For any subset F of V(Q2(d))(d≥3, d is an odd number) with |F|≤1, every edge of Q2(d)-F lies on a fault-free k-cycle, k=4, 6, …, d2-2|F|-1.Moreover, every edge of Q2(d)-F lies on a fault-free (d2-2|F|)-cycle.
Similar to Lemma 4, applying Theorem 4 and Lemma 5.We have
Lemma 6 For any subset F of V(Q3(d))(d≥3, d is an odd number) with |F|≤1, every edge of Q3(d)-F lies on a fault-free k-cycle, k=4, 6, …, d3-2|F|-1.Moreover, every edge of Q3(d)-F lies on a fault-free (d3-2|F|)-cycle.
Similar to Lemma 6, we have
Theorem 5 Let n≥3 be an integer and Qn(d)(d≥3, d is an odd number) has exactly one faulty vertex.Then, every fault-free edge of Qn(d) lies on a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to dn-3.Moreover, every fault-free edge of Qn(d) lies on a fault-free cycle of length dn-2.
Theorem 6 Let n≥3 be an integer.For any subset F of V(Qn(d))(d≥3, d is an odd number) with |F|=fv≤n-2, every edge of Qn(d)-F lies on a cycle of every even length from 4 to dn-2fv-1.Moreover, every edge of Qn(d)-F lies on a cycle of length dn-2fv.
Proof We prove this theorem by induction on n.By Lemma 6, Theorem 6 holds for n=3.Assuming that the theorem is true for every integer k(3≤k≤n).Let F be a subset of V(Qk+1(d)) and |F|=fv.By Corollary 6 and Theorem 5, Theorem 6 holds for fv≤1.Thus, we only consider the case of 2≤fv≤n-2.
Let w and z be two distinct faulty vertices.By Lemma 1, Qk+1(d) can be partitioned along dimension j(j∈{1, 2, …, k+1}) into d copies Qk(d), denoted by Qki(d)(i=0, 1, …, d-1), w∈Qkl(d), z∈Qkm(d)(l, m∈{0, 1, 2, …, d-1}, l≠m).Let fi=|F∩V(Qki(d))|, i=0, 1, 2, …d-1, i.e., fv=
Case 1: e∈E(Qk0(d))∪E(Qk1(d))∪…∪E(Qkd-1(d)), i.e., e lies on Qki(d)(i∈{0, 1, 2, …, d-1}).We only consider that e∈E(Qk0(d))(e∉E(Qk0(d)) is similar).
Since f0≤k-2, by induction hypothesis, there is a fault-free even l0-cycle in Qk0(d) containing the edge e where 4≤l0≤dk-2f0-1, and there exists a fault-free (dk-2f0)-cycle in Qk0(d) containing the edge e.Thus, the cycle of every even length from 4 to dk-2f0-1 containing the edge e in Qk+1(d) can be found in Qk0(d).Let Cl0*(Cl0*′) be a fault-free even l0*-cycle (l0*′-cycle) containing the edge e in Qk0(d) where l0*=dk-2f0-1(l0*′=dk-2f0).One can observe that there are at least 1 2 ×(dk-1)-f0-1 disjoint edges such that each of them differs with e in the cycle Cl0*(Cl0*′).Since k≥3 and
Since f1≤k-2, by induction hypothesis, there are even cycles with lengths from 4 to dk-2f1-1 in Qk1(d) that each cycle contains the edge (u0j(1), v0j(1)), and there is a cycle of length dk-2f1 in Qk1(d) that the cycle contains the edge (u0j(1), v0j(1)).Let Cl1=(v0j(1), u0j(1), P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)], v0j(1)) be an even l1-cycle containing the edge (u0j(1), v0j(1)) in Qk1(d) where 4≤l1≤dk-2f1-1, Cl1′=(v0j(1), u0j(1), P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)], v0j(1)) be a (dk-2f1)-cycle containing the edge (u0j(1), v0j(1)) in Qk1(d).Merging the two cycles Cl0* and Cl1 as well as the two edges (u0, u0j(1)) and (v0, v0j(1)), we can construct a fault-free even cycle C01=(v0, P0[v0, u0], u0, u0j(1), P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)], v0j(1), v0) which contains e.Obviously, l(C01)=l(P0[v0, u0])+l(P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)])+2 where l(P0[v0, u0])=dk-2f0-2, and l(P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)])=1, 3, …, dk-2f1-1.Therefore, the cycle C01 is of length from dk-2f0+1 to 2×dk-2(f0+f1)-2 and contains the edge e.Merging the two cycles Cl0*′ and Cl1′ as well as the two edges (u0, u0j(1)) and (v0, v0j(1)), we can construct a fault-free even cycle C01′=(v0, P0[v0, u0], u0, u0j(1), P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)], v0j(1), v0) which contains e.Obviously, l(C01′)=l(P0[v0, u0])+l(P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)])+2 where l(P0[v0, u0])=dk-2f0-1 and l(P1[u0j(1), v0j(1)])=dk-2f1-1.Therefore, the cycle C01′ is (2×dk-2(f0+f1))-cycle and contains the edge e.
Let C012, …i*(i=1, 3, …, d-4, d-2) be a fault-free even ((i+1)×dk-2
Since fi+1≤k-2, by induction hypothesis, there are even cycles with lengths from 4 to dk-2fi+1-1 in Qki+1(d)that each cycle contains the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)), and there is a (dk-2fi+11)-cycle in Qki+1(d) that the cycle contains the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)).Let Cli+1=(vij(i+1), uij(i+1), Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)], vij(i+1)) be an even li+1-cycle containing the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)) in Qki+1(d) where 4≤li+1≤dk-2fi+1-1, Cl′i+1=(vij(i+1), uij(i+1), Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)], vij(i+1)) be a (dk-2fi+11)-cycle containing the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)) in Qki+1(d).Merging the two cycles C012, …i* and Cli+1as well as the two edges (ui, uij(i+1)) and (vi, vij(i+1)), we can construct a fault-free even cycle C01…i(i+1)=(vi, P01…i[vi, ui], ui, uij(i+1), Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)], vij(i+1), vi) which contains e.Obviously, l(C01…i(i+1))=l(P01…i[vi, ui])+l(Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)]+2 where l(P01…i[vi, ui])=(i+1)×dk-2
l(C01…i(i+1)′)=l(P01…i[vi, ui])+l(Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)])+2 where l(P01…i[vi, ui])=(i+1)×dk-2
Let C012, …i*(i=2, 4, …, d-5, d-3) be a fault-free even ((i+1)×dk-2
Since fi+1≤k-2, by induction hypothesis, there are even cycles with lengths from 4 to dk-2fi+1-1 in Qki+1(d)that each cycle contains the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)), and there is a (dk-2fi+11)-cycle in Qki+1(d) that the cycle contains the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)).Let Cli+1=(vij(i+1), uij(i+1), Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)], vij(i+1)) be an even li+1-cycle containing the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)) in Qki+1(d) where 4≤li+1≤dk-2fi+1-1, Cl′i+1=(vij(i+1), uij(i+1), Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)], vij(i+1)) be a (dk-2fi+1)-cycle containing the edge (uij(i+1), vij(i+1)) in Qki+1(d).Merging the two cycles C012, …i* and Cli+1as well as the two edges (ui, uij(i+1)) and (vi, vij(i+1)), we can construct a fault-free even cycle C01…i(i+1)=(vi, P01…i[vi, ui], ui, uij(i+1), Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)], vij(i+1), vi) which contains e.Obviously, l(C01…i(i+1))=l(P01…i[vi, ui])+l(Pi+1[uij(i+1), vij(i+1)]+2 where l(P01…i[vi, ui])=(i+1)×dk-2
Case 2 : e∉E(Qk0(d))∪E(Qk1(d))∪…∪E(Qkd-1(d)), i.e., u∈Qkl(d)(l∈{0, 1, …, d-1}), v∈Qkm(d)(m∈{0, 1, …, d-1}), l≠m, e is an edge of dimension j and v=uj(a)(j∈{1, 2, …, k+1}, a∈{0, 1, …, d-1}).
The proof of Case 2 is similar to the proof of Case 2 of Theorem 3.
Applying Theorem 6, we have
Corollary 7 Let n≥3 be an integer.For any subset F of V(Qn(d))(d≥3, d is an odd number) with |F|≤n-2, every vertex of Qn(d)-F lies on a fault-free cycle of every even length from 4 to dn-2|F|.Moreover, every vertex of Qn(d)-F lies on a fault-free cycle of length dn-2|F|.
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