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莫志明1, 李闻东2, 黄兆泳3, 许贵林3
构建生态安全格局是生态空间的科学规划与利用的重要保障。本研究以广西作为研究区,基于生态保护重要性评价识别生态“源”地,利用最小累积阻力模型和重力模型提取生态廊道与生态节点,并对生态安全格局现状进行优化。研究结果表明:(1)广西生态保护等级较高区域面积为103 411.76 km2,占广西面积43.53%,且生态保护区域较为分散;(2)广西生态安全格局由18处生态“源”地,44条生态廊道和348个生态节点构成;(3)基于上述结果,划分出可有针对性建设和维护的区域,并制定保护措施。研究结果可为促进广西生态安全格局稳定性提出科学依据。
关键词:  生态保护重要性评价  最小累积阻力模型  重力模型  生态安全格局
Based on the Minimum Cumulative Resistance (MCR) Model, a Study on the Ecological Security Pattern in the Guangxi .
mozhiming1, liwendong2, huangzhaoyong3, xuguilin3
(1.Guangxi University of Finance and Economics;2.Guangxi Nanning Tianhai Surveying and Mapping Technology Co., Ltd;3.Nanning Normal University)
Constructing ecological security pattern is an important guarantee for scientific planning and utilization of ecological space. This study takes Guangxi as a research area, identifies ecological "source" sites based on ecological conservation importance assessment, uses minimum cumulative resistance model and gravity model to extract ecological corridors and ecological nodes, and optimizes the current ecological security pattern. The results showed that: (1) the area of high ecological protection level in Guangxi was 103 411.76 km2, accounting for 43.53% of the total area of Guangxi, and the ecological protection area was relatively scattered; (2) The ecological security pattern of Guangxi is composed of 18 ecological "source" places, 44 ecological corridors and 348 ecological nodes; (3) Based on the above results, the areas that can be built and maintained in a targeted manner are divided, and protection measures are formulated. The research results can provide scientific basis for promoting the stability of ecological security pattern in Guangxi.
Key words:  Ecological protection importance evaluation  MCR model  Gravity model  ecological security pattern.

