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基于北斗星通的广西掩罩渔船南海外海 捕捞产量估计
本研究将南海外海划分为北部湾湾口外、西沙中沙、南海南部三个区域,利用北斗星通渔船船位监控系统记录的2020?2023年广西掩罩渔船在南海外海的作业位置,统计渔船捕捞努力量,并分析捕捞作业的分布和变动。结果表明,南海南部是广西渔船在南海外海的最主要作业区域;2?6月是渔船在南海外海的主要生产季节,其中3?4月是生产最集中的时段。同时,本研究采集广西掩罩渔船在南海南部72个航次的渔获数据,根据渔获率和捕捞努力量,估计2020?2023年广西渔船在南海南部的捕捞产量依次为10,355吨、13,021吨、12,099吨及22,949吨,年平均产量为14606吨;南海南部的渔获物中,鸢乌贼、圆鲹、鲣类、金枪鱼和马鲛等5个种类或类别合计占92.9%,其中,鸢乌贼所占比例最高,为77.2%,平均CPUE为4.45 kg/(kW*d),远高于其它种类。本研究认为,当前重要经济鱼类资源可支撑南海南部掩罩渔业的进一步发展。本研究的结果为南海外海渔业资源的合理利用提供重要基础信息。
关键词:  南海外海  北斗卫星导航系统  灯光罩网渔业  捕捞产量  评估
Estimation of catches by Guangxi falling net fishery in the open South China Sea based on fishing positions recorded by Beidou satellite navigation system
zou jian wei
(Beihai Fishery Technology Extension Station)
In this study, the open South China Sea (SCS) was divided into the outer Beibu Gulf, the Zhongsha-Xisha Islands waters, and the southern SCS, and based on fishing positions of Guangxi light falling net vessels recorded by the Beidou satellite navigation system from 2020 to 2023, we estimated the fishing efforts and analyzed their distribution pattern and seasonal variation in the open SCS. The analysis indicated that the southern SCS constitutes the most important fishing ground for the Guangxi light falling net fishery in the open SCS, and the major fishing season lasts from February to June, with peak fishing months in March and April. We also collected catch data from 72 fishing cruises of the vessels operating in the southern SCS. With the catch rate and fishing effort data, total catches of Guangxi light falling net fishery in the southern SCS were estimated to be 10,355 tons in the year 2020, 13,021 tons in 2021, 12,099 tons in 2022, and 22,949 tons in 2023, and the average annual catch was estimated at 14,606 tons. Among the catches from the southern SCS, the five species or species groups, namely purpleback flying squid, round scads, bonitos, tuna, and Spanish mackerels, combined contributed 92.9%, with the purpleback flying squid alone contributed 77.2% and its average catch per unit effort being 4.45 kg/(kW*d). It was suggested that the current stock status of the commercial species in the southern SCS can sustain further development of the light falling net fishery. Findings of the present analysis provide foundational information for the rational exploitation of the open SCS fishery resources.
Key words:  open South China Sea  Beidou navigation system  light falling net fishery  fish production  stock status

