  • 袁媛,凌丽燕,宾月景,孙翔,李司单,刘振华.超声辅助低共熔溶剂提取当归药渣粗多糖的工艺优化[J].广西科学院学报,2024,40(2):145-153.    [点击复制]
  • YUAN Yuan,LING Liyan,BIN Yuejing,SUN Xiang,LI Sidan,LIU Zhenhua.Process Optimization of Deep Eutectic Solvent-based Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Crude Polysaccharides from Angelica sinensis Residue[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2024,40(2):145-153.   [点击复制]
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袁媛1, 凌丽燕1, 宾月景1, 孙翔2, 李司单1, 刘振华3
(1.梧州学院机械与资源工程学院, 梧州资源循环利用工程技术研究中心, 广西梧州 543000;2.广西大学资源环境与材料学院, 广西南宁 530004;3.柳州职业技术学院环境与食品工程学院, 广西柳州 545006)
为研究当归(Angelica sinensis)药渣提取粗多糖的工艺,本研究以当归药渣粗多糖(Angelica sinensis Residue Crude Polysaccharide,ARP)的提取率为指标,考察低共熔溶剂(Deep Eutectic Solvent,DES)的种类、组成成分的摩尔比、DES含水量、提取温度、提取时间和液料比对ARP提取率的影响,并结合响应面分析法优化提取工艺参数。研究结果表明,氯化胆碱和乙二醇组成的低共熔溶剂更适合提取ARP,最优提取工艺为提取温度82 ℃、提取时间40 min、摩尔比6∶1。该工艺条件下的ARP提取率为(14.43±0.10)%,ARP总糖含量为(47.54±1.23)%;而传统水提醇沉法的ARP提取率为(9.85±0.12)%,ARP总糖含量为(25.45±1.37)%。因此,氯化胆碱和乙二醇组成的低共熔溶剂是一种较好的提取溶剂,可替代传统溶剂进行多糖的提取,具有实际应用价值。
关键词:  当归药渣  粗多糖  低共熔溶剂  超声辅助提取  响应面法
Process Optimization of Deep Eutectic Solvent-based Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Crude Polysaccharides from Angelica sinensis Residue
YUAN Yuan1, LING Liyan1, BIN Yuejing1, SUN Xiang2, LI Sidan1, LIU Zhenhua3
(1.Wuzhou Engineering Research Center of Resource Recycling, College of Mechanical and Resource Engineering, Wuzhou University, Wuzhou, Guangxi, 543000, China;2.School of Resources, Environment and Materials, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;3.College of Environment and Food Engineering, Liuzhou Vocational and Technical College, Liuzhou, Guangxi, 545006, China)
In order to study the extraction process of crude polysaccharide from Angelica sinensis residue,the extraction rate of A.sinensis Residue Crude Polysaccharide (ARP) was used as an index to investigate the effects of the type of Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES),molar ratio of components,water content of DES,extraction temperature,extraction time and liquid-to-material ratio on the extraction rate of ARP,and the extraction process parameters were optimized by response surface analysis.The results showed that the deep eutectic solvent composed of choline chloride and ethylene glycol was more suitable for the extraction of ARP.The optimal extraction process was extraction temperature of 82 ℃,extraction time of 40 min,and molar ratio of 6∶1.Under these conditions,the extraction rate of ARP was (14.43±0.10)%,and the total sugar content of ARP was (47.54±1.23)%.The extraction rate of ARP by traditional water extraction and alcohol precipitation method was (9.85±0.12)%,and the total sugar content of ARP was (25.45±1.37)%.Therefore,the deep eutectic solvent composed of choline chloride and ethylene glycol is a better extraction solvent,which can replace the traditional solvent for polysaccharide extraction and has practical application value.
Key words:  Angelica sinensis residue  crude polysaccharides  deep eutectic solvent  ultrasound-assisted extraction  response surface methodology

