  • 吴晓东,陈菁菁,徐佳晟,李海燕,梁镇邦,初庆柱,吴仁协.南海北部近海5种石斑鱼的骨骼系统比较研究[J].广西科学院学报,2024,40(1):93-102.    [点击复制]
  • WU Xiaodong,CHEN Jingjing,XU Jiasheng,LI Haiyan,LIANG Zhenbang,CHU Qingzhu,WU Renxie.Comparative Study on the Skeletal System of Five Species of the Family Epinephelidae (Perciformes) in the Coastal Waters of the Northern South China Sea[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2024,40(1):93-102.   [点击复制]
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吴晓东1, 陈菁菁1, 徐佳晟2, 李海燕1, 梁镇邦2, 初庆柱2, 吴仁协2
(1.广东湛江红树林国家级自然保护区管理局, 广东湛江 524088;2.广东海洋大学水产学院, 广东湛江 524088)
为揭示骨骼系统在石斑鱼类的物种鉴定和系统进化关系研究中的应用潜力,本研究采用传统的骨骼系统比较法分析南海北部近海的尾纹九棘鲈(Cephalopholis urodeta)、鸢鮨(Triso dermopterus)、青石斑鱼(Epinephelus awoara)、拟青石斑鱼(E.fasciatomaculosus)和断带石斑鱼(E.craigi)等3属5种石斑鱼类的骨骼特征。结果显示,在分析的15种骨片中,中筛骨、额骨、翼耳骨、上枕骨、前鳃盖骨、上匙骨、尾舌骨等7种骨片显示出明显的属特征。尾纹九棘鲈的骨片形态结构总体较简单,而鸢鮨和石斑鱼属(Epinephelus)石斑鱼的骨片形态结构更为分化且复杂,并且二者具有相似类型的骨片数最多(8种)。有10种骨片可将断带石斑鱼与青石斑鱼、拟青石斑鱼有效区分,其中翼蝶骨、蝶耳骨、翼耳骨、上枕骨和前鳃盖骨等5种骨片在断带石斑鱼中显示出显著的种类特性。青石斑鱼和拟青石斑鱼的主要骨骼差异在于额骨、前鳃盖骨、上匙骨。本研究的结果支持了鸢鮨属(Triso)与石斑鱼属有较为密切的亲缘关系以及九棘鲈属(Cephalopholis)是较石斑鱼属更为原始的一个独立类群的分子系统学研究结论。同时,本研究为断带石斑鱼的物种有效性提供了骨骼方面的重要证据,也厘清了青石斑鱼和拟青石斑鱼这两个近缘种的差别。本研究结果表明骨骼系统可作为石斑鱼物种辨别和阐明其系统进化关系的重要研究手段。
关键词:  南海北部近海  石斑鱼科  骨骼比较  物种鉴别  系统进化
Comparative Study on the Skeletal System of Five Species of the Family Epinephelidae (Perciformes) in the Coastal Waters of the Northern South China Sea
WU Xiaodong1, CHEN Jingjing1, XU Jiasheng2, LI Haiyan1, LIANG Zhenbang2, CHU Qingzhu2, WU Renxie2
(1.Guangdong Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve Administration, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, 524088, China;2.College of Fisheries, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, 524088, China)
In order to reveal the application potential of skeletal system in the study of species identification and phylogenetic relationship of the family Epinephelidae (Perciformes),the traditional skeletal system comparison method was used to analyze the skeletal characteristics of five fish species within Epinephelidae sampled from the nearshore of the northern South China Sea,including Cephalopholis urodeta,Triso dermopterus,Epinephelus awoara,E.fasciatomaculosus,and E.craigi.The results showed that among the 15 kinds of bone fragments analyzed,7 kinds of bone fragments,such as ethmoid,frontal,sphenotic,supraoccipital,preopercular,supracleithrum,and urohyal bones,showed obvious genus characteristics.The morphological structure of the bone fragments of C.urodetawas was generally simple.However,the skeletal morphological structures of the bone fragments of T.dermopterus and Epinephelus were more differentiated and complex,and the two had the largest number of similar types of bone fragments (8 species).There were 10 kinds of bone fragments that could effectively distinguish E.craigi from E.awoara and E.fasciatomaculosus.Among them,5 kinds of bone fragments,such as alisphenoid,sphenotic,pterotic,supraoccipital and preopercular,showed significant species characteristics in E.craigi.The main skeletal differences between E.awoara and E.fasciatomaculosus were the frontal,preopercular,and supracleithrum.The results of this study support the conclusion that Triso has a close phylogenetic relationship with Epinephelus and Cephalopholis is a more primitive independent group than Epinephelus.At the same time,this study provides important skeletal evidence for the species effectiveness of E.craigi,and also clarifies the differences between the two closely related species of E.awoara and E.fasciatomaculosus.This study indicates that the skeletal system can be used as an important research tool for species identifying and elucidating the phylogenetic relationships of the family Epinephelidae.
Key words:  nearshore of the northern South China Sea  Epinephelidae  skeletal comparison  species identification  phylogeny

