  • 梁惠,史艳财,熊忠臣,蒋运生,邓丽丽.不同冲泡条件下的槐米茶茶汤对ABTS阳离子自由基的清除作用[J].广西科学院学报,2023,39(1):108-118.    [点击复制]
  • LIANG Hui,SHI Yancai,XIONG Zhongchen,JIANG Yunsheng,DENG Lili.Scavenging Effect of Sophora japonica Tea Soup on ABTS Cationic Free Radical under Different Brewing Conditions[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2023,39(1):108-118.   [点击复制]
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梁惠1,2, 史艳财1, 熊忠臣1, 蒋运生1, 邓丽丽1
(1.广西壮族自治区中国科学院广西植物研究所, 广西桂林 541006;2.广西师范大学生命科学学院, 广西桂林 541006)
为探究槐米茶的最佳冲泡条件及槐米茶茶汤对ABTS阳离子自由基(ABTS+·)的清除作用,以市场上主要的两种槐米茶(广西槐米茶和山西槐米茶)为原料,结合单因素试验与响应面试验进行研究。结果表明:在1∶40 (g/mL)的茶水比例下90℃的纯净水冲泡1次、冲泡3 min得到的广西槐米茶茶汤效果最佳;在1∶40 (g/mL)的茶水比例下90℃的纯净水冲泡1次、冲泡5 min得到的山西槐米茶茶汤效果最佳。在最佳冲泡条件下进行3次平行试验验证,广西槐米茶茶汤与山西槐米茶茶汤的ABTS·清除率分别为(45.61±1.62)%和(37.89±1.02)%,与响应面预测值相近,说明两种槐米茶茶汤模型拟合度较好。在此条件下冲泡的槐米茶茶汤对ABTS·的清除作用最佳。本研究为槐米茶产业的发展提供了一定的理论参考。
关键词:  槐米茶  抗氧化  冲泡条件  响应面分析  单因素
Scavenging Effect of Sophora japonica Tea Soup on ABTS Cationic Free Radical under Different Brewing Conditions
LIANG Hui1,2, SHI Yancai1, XIONG Zhongchen1, JIANG Yunsheng1, DENG Lili1
(1.Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China;2.College of Life Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China)
In order to investigate the optimum brewing conditions of Sophora japonica tea and the scavenging effect of S.japonica tea soup on ABTS cationic free radicals (ABTS+·), two main kinds of S.japonica tea (Guangxi S.japonica tea and Shanxi S.japonica tea) in the market are used as raw materials, this study was conducted by combining single factor and response surface test. The results showed that the effect of Guangxi S.japonica tea soup was the best when the ratio of tea to water was 1∶40 (g/mL), and it was brewed with pure water at 90℃ for 1 times and 3 min.The effect of Shanxi S.japonica tea soup was the best when the ratio of tea to water was 1∶40 (g/mL), and it was brewed with pure water at 90℃ for 1 times and 5 min. Three parallel experiments were carried out under the optimal brewing conditions. The ABTS+· scavenging rates of Guangxi S.japonica tea soup and Shanxi S.japonica tea soup were (45.61±1.62)% and (37.89±1.02)%,respectively, which were similar to the predicted values of the response surface, indicating that the two kinds of S.japonica tea soup models had a good fitting degree. Under these conditions, the S.japonica tea soup has the best scavenging effect of ABTS+·. The study provides a theoretical reference for the development of S.japonica tea industry.
Key words:  Sophora japonica tea  antioxidant  brewing conditions  response surface analysis  single factor

