  • 王亚凤,梁蒙,谢桃结,阳丙媛,彭京,何瑞杰,朱鸿杰,黄永林.洋紫荆花营养成分及其急性毒性分析[J].广西科学院学报,2022,38(1):69-75.    [点击复制]
  • WANG Yafeng,LIANG Meng,XIE Taojie,YANG Bingyuan,PENG Jing,HE Ruijie,ZHU Hongjie,HUANG Yonglin.Analysis of Nutritional Components and Acute Toxicity of Bauhinia variegata[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2022,38(1):69-75.   [点击复制]
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王亚凤1, 梁蒙1, 谢桃结2, 阳丙媛1, 彭京1, 何瑞杰1, 朱鸿杰2, 黄永林1
(1.广西壮族自治区中国科学院广西植物研究所, 广西植物功能物质与资源持续利用重点实验室, 广西桂林 541006;2.柳州市园林科学研究所, 广西柳州 545005)
为评价洋紫荆(Bauhinia variegata)花的营养价值和急性毒性作用,本研究按照食品安全国家标准法对3种花色洋紫荆花的营养成分进行检测分析,并采用改良寇氏法测定洋紫荆花乙醇浸膏对小鼠的急性毒性作用,以期为洋紫荆花资源的开发利用提供理论依据。结果表明:在所测定的17种氨基酸中,3种花色洋紫荆花的氨基酸种类一致,同种氨基酸在3种花色洋紫荆花中含量差别不大;粉花洋紫荆中Fe的含量极显著低于红花和白花洋紫荆,Mn的含量显著高于红花和白花洋紫荆;粉花洋紫荆中维生素C的含量极显著高于红花和白花洋紫荆。急性毒性试验结果显示:红花洋紫荆乙醇浸膏的半数致死量(Lethal Dose 50%,LD50)为30.34 g/kg,95%平均可信限为27.97-32.91 g/kg;粉花洋紫荆乙醇浸膏的LD50值为33.79 g/kg,95%平均可信限为30.43-37.53 g/kg;白花洋紫荆乙醇浸膏的LD50值为30.24 g/kg,95%平均可信限为27.11-33.73 g/kg。根据WHO外源化合物经口急性毒性分级标准,3种花色洋紫荆花乙醇浸膏灌胃小鼠一次经口LD50值均大于15 g/kg,毒性分级为无毒,为洋紫荆花可食用性的开发利用提供科学依据。
关键词:  洋紫荆  营养成分  氨基酸  急性毒性  可食用性
Analysis of Nutritional Components and Acute Toxicity of Bauhinia variegata
WANG Yafeng1, LIANG Meng1, XIE Taojie2, YANG Bingyuan1, PENG Jing1, HE Ruijie1, ZHU Hongjie2, HUANG Yonglin1
(1.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Plant Functional Phytochemicals and Sustainable Utilization, Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China;2.Liuzhou Institute of Gardening Science, Liuzhou, Guangxi, 545005, China)
In order to evaluate the nutritional value and acute toxicity of Bauhinia variegata, the nutritional components of three kinds of flower colors of B.variegata were tested and analyzed according to the National Food Safety Standard method, and the acute toxicity of ethanol extract of B.variegata flowers on mice was determined by modified karber's method.It hopes to provide theoretical basis for the development and utilization of B.variegata resources.The results showed that among the 17 amino acids determined, the amino acids of three kinds of flower colors of B.variegata were identical, and the content of the same amino acid in three kinds of flower colors of B.variegata had little difference.The content of Fe in pink flowers of B.variegata was significantly lower than that in safflowers of B.variegata and white flowers of B.variegata, and the content of Mn was significantly higher than that in safflowers of B.variegata and white flowers of B.variegata. The content of vitamin C in pink flowers of B.variegata was significantly higher than that in safflowers of B.variegata and white flowers of B.variegata. The results of the acute toxicity test showed that the LD50 value of safflowers of B.variegata ethanol extract was 30.34 g/kg and the 95% average confidence limit was 27.97-32.91 g/kg.The LD50 value of pink flowers of B.variegata ethanol extract was 33.79 g/kg and the 95% average confidence limit was 30.43-37.53 g/kg.The LD50 value of white flowers of B.variegata ethanol extract was 30.24 g/kg and the 95% average confidence limit was 27.11-33.73 g/kg.According to the WHO oral acute toxicity grading standard of exogenous compounds, the LD50 value of three kinds of B.variegata ethanol extracts in mice were all greater than 15 g/kg in one oral administration, and the toxicity was classified as non-toxic.The above results provide a scientific basis for the development and utilization of edible flower of B.variegata.
Key words:  Bauhinia variegata  nutrient composition  amino acid  acute toxicity  edibility

