  • 刘文爱,李丽凤,薛云红,陶艳成.基于Google Earth高分影像的北海榄根村红海榄种群数量和分布的研究[J].广西科学院学报,2021,37(3):264-269.    [点击复制]
  • LI Lifeng,LI Lifeng,XUE Yunhong,TAO Yancheng.Study on the Population Size and Distribution of Rhizophora stylosa in Lan'gen Village of Beihai City Based on Google Earth High-Resolution Image[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2021,37(3):264-269.   [点击复制]
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基于Google Earth高分影像的北海榄根村红海榄种群数量和分布的研究
刘文爱1, 李丽凤2, 薛云红1, 陶艳成1
(1.广西科学院广西红树林研究中心, 广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室, 广西北海 536000;2.福建农林大学园林学院, 福建福州 350002)
本研究建立一种基于Google Earth高分影像的红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa)单株精准识别的方法,并利用这种方法开展红海榄的资源调查和生态研究。研究以广西北海铁山港东岸榄根村外围天然红树林中的红海榄种群为对象,利用高分辨率Google Earth影像精准识别红海榄的个体,进而获取种群数量、冠幅、高程等重要数据,并在影像上设置89个100 m×100 m的样方,运用聚集度指标法,分析红海榄种群的空间分布格局。结果表明:影像中可识别红海榄植株数量共有848株;在高程1-2 m滩涂有红海榄615株,占全部数量的72.5%,在适生滩涂高程下呈现一定的正态分布特征;冠层直径大小在1.00-1.99 m的红海榄494株,占全部数量的58.3%,研究范围内红海榄种群密度南向大于北向,向海方向大于向陆方向,斑块中心区域大于边缘区域;各聚集度指标测定结果显示,该天然红海榄种群呈聚集分布。以上结果说明,利用Google Earth高分影像可有效识别冠层直径1 m以上的红海榄单株;北海榄根村红海榄种群整体的空间分布格局呈聚集分布,并且红海榄幼树较多,推测随着时间的推移,研究区域的红海榄种群数量将会增多。
关键词:  红海榄  Google Earth  高分影像  遥感监测  分布格局  红树林
Study on the Population Size and Distribution of Rhizophora stylosa in Lan'gen Village of Beihai City Based on Google Earth High-Resolution Image
LI Lifeng1, LI Lifeng2, XUE Yunhong1, TAO Yancheng1
(1.Guangxi Key Lab of Mangrove Conservation and Utilization, Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China;2.School of Landscape Architecture, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350002, China)
In this study, a precise identification method of the single plant of Rhizophora stylosa based on Google Earth high-resolution image was proposed for the first time, which was used to carry out resource investigation and ecological research of R. stylosa. The population of R. stylosa in the natural mangrove forest around Lan'gen Village on the east coast of Tieshan Bay in Beihai City, Guangxi Province was taken as the object. The high-resolution Google Earth image was introduced to precisely identify R. stylosa individuals. Then the important data such as population size, crown width and elevation were obtained. 89 quadrats of 100 m×100 m were set up in the image, and the aggregation index method was used to analyze the spatial distribution pattern of the R. stylosa population. The results showed that a total of 848 plants of the R. stylosa population could be identified in the image. 615 R. stylosa were on the tidal flat of the 1-2 m elevation, which accounted for 72.5% of the total number, showing normal distribution characteristics in the upper layer of suitable tidal flat. There were 494 R. stylosa plants with the crown diameter of 1.00-1.99 m, which accounted for 58.3% of the total number. In the study area, the population density of R. stylosa in the south direction was greater than that in the north direction, and the population density in the sea direction was greater than that in the land direction. The plaque center area was greater than the marginal area. The results of aggregation index showed that the natural populations of R. stylosa showed aggregation distribution. The above results show that the use of Google Earth high-resolution image can effectively identify the single R. stylosa plant with a crown diameter larger than 1 m. The overall spatial distribution pattern of R. stylosa population in Lan'gen Village of Beihai showed aggregation distribution, and there were many young trees of R. stylosa. It was speculated that the number of R. stylosa population in the study area would increase over time.
Key words:  Rhizophora stylosa  Google Earth  high-resolution image  remote sensing  distribution  mangrove

