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林明晴,李银强,沈琼雯,蔡鸿泰,陈宇,王欣.防城港白龙半岛造礁石珊瑚群落的空间分布及特征[J].广西科学院学报,2021,37(3):222-231. [点击复制]
- LIN Mingqing,LI Yinqiang,SHEN Qiongwen,CAI Hongtai,CHEN Yu,WANG Xin.Spatial Distribution and Characteristics of Reef-building Coral Communities in Bailong Peninsula, Fangchenggang[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2021,37(3):222-231. [点击复制]
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防城港白龙半岛造礁石珊瑚群落的空间分布及特征 |
林明晴1, 李银强2, 沈琼雯1, 蔡鸿泰3, 陈宇3, 王欣1
(1.广西科学院, 广西红树林研究中心, 广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室, 广西北海 536000;2.广西大学海洋学院, 广西南宁 530000;3.国家电投广西核电有限公司, 广西南宁 530000) |
摘要: |
为了厘清防城港白龙半岛海域造礁石珊瑚群落分布特征,本研究采用点样线法(Point Intercept Transect,PIT)和样方法于2020年10月对防城港白龙半岛海域造礁石珊瑚群落进行研究。结果表明,该海域造礁石珊瑚群落分布区面积62.1 hm2,根据珊瑚分布的位置,可将其划分3个分布区,其中分布区二面积最大,为54.8 hm2,分布区一和三的面积则分别为2.8,4.5 hm2。鉴定出白龙半岛共有造礁石珊瑚5科8属12种,其中斯氏伯孔珊瑚(Bernardpora stutchburyi)和多孔同星珊瑚(Plesiastrea versipora)为区域优势种;造礁石珊瑚形态主要为表覆状和块状,活珊瑚平均覆盖度为6.6%,平均珊瑚密度为2.12 ind./m2,平均个体大小为170.14 cm2。珊瑚白化率相对较低,平均为0.43%。防城港白龙半岛海域造礁石珊瑚分布面积小,群落种类单一,覆盖度相对较低,尚不成礁。 |
关键词: 北部湾 白龙半岛 造礁石珊瑚群落 空间分布 群落结构 |
DOI:10.13657/j.cnki.gxkxyxb.20210928.008 |
投稿时间:2021-06-07 |
基金项目:北海市科技计划项目(北科合201884027),广西青年科学基金项目(2017GXNSFBA198161),广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室基金项目(GKLMC-20A07)和广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室基金项目(GKLMC-20A02)资助。 |
Spatial Distribution and Characteristics of Reef-building Coral Communities in Bailong Peninsula, Fangchenggang |
LIN Mingqing1, LI Yinqiang2, SHEN Qiongwen1, CAI Hongtai3, CHEN Yu3, WANG Xin1
(1.Gunagxi Key Lab of Mangrove Conservation and Utilization, Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China;2.School of Marine Science, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530000, China;3.SPIC Guangxi Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Nanning, Guangxi, 530000, China) |
Abstract: |
In order to clarify the distribution characteristics of reef-building coral communities in Bailong Peninsula, Fangchenggang, in this study the Point Intercept Transect (PIT) and quadrat method were used to study the reef-building coral communities in Bailong Peninsula, Fangchenggang in October 2020. The results showed that the distribution area of reef-building coral community was 62.1 hm2. According to the location of corals, it can be divided into three distribution areas, of which the distribution area Ⅱ was the largest, which was 54.8 hm2, and distribution area Ⅰ and Ⅲ were 2.8 and 4.5 hm2, respectively. Through identification, there were 5 families, 8 genera and 12 species of reef corals in Bailong Peninsula. Among them, Bernardpora stutchburyi and Plesiastrea versipora were the regional dominant species. The morphology of reef-building corals was mainly encrusting and massive. The average coverage of live corals was 6.6%, the average coral density was 2.12 ind. /m2, and the average individual size was 170.14 cm2. The coral bleaching rate was relatively low, with an average of 0.43%. The distribution area of reef-building corals in Bailong Peninsula of Fangchenggang is small, the community type is single, and the coverage is relatively low, and forming coral communities rather than reefs. |
Key words: Beibu Gulf Bailong Peninsula coral assemblage spatial distribution community structure |