  • 刘欣,程坤,陈琴,陈清坤,李成栋,段继周,张杰.镧含量对铝合金牺牲阳极海水综合电化学性能的影响[J].广西科学院学报,2016,32(3):168-173.    [点击复制]
  • LIU Xin,CHENG Kun,CHEN Qin,CHEN Qingkun,LI Chengdong,DUAN Jizhou,ZHANG Jie.Effect of Lanthanum Content on the Comprehensive Electrochemical Performance of Aluminium Alloy Sacrificial Anode in the Marine[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2016,32(3):168-173.   [点击复制]
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刘欣1, 程坤1, 陈琴1, 陈清坤1, 李成栋1, 段继周2, 张杰2
(1.青岛科技大学, 山东青岛 266042;2.中国科学院海洋研究所, 山东青岛 266071)
关键词:  电化学性能  镧含量  铝合金  牺牲阳极
Effect of Lanthanum Content on the Comprehensive Electrochemical Performance of Aluminium Alloy Sacrificial Anode in the Marine
LIU Xin1, CHENG Kun1, CHEN Qin1, CHEN Qingkun1, LI Chengdong1, DUAN Jizhou2, ZHANG Jie2
(1.Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong, 266042, China;2.Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, Shandong, 266071, China)
[Objective] Different content ratio of the rare earth La was added to analyze the electrochemical mechanism of the Al-Zn-In-Si based sacrificial alloy anode to get the La content of sacrificial anode with the best electrochemical performance in the marine environment.[Methods] The open circuit potential,working potential,dissolving morphology,current efficiency and polarization behavior of aluminium sacrificial anode containing La were tested by using of XRD analysis,polarization curves test,EIS test and constant current test in a simulated marine environment. Additionally,the electrochemical mechanism of the anodes was also discussed.[Results] The existence form of solute elements in the aluminium sacrificial anodes was changed by adding La element that had different influence degree with different contents; the induction period and development period of pitting during the activation dissolution process of aluminium sacrificial anode with La were observed by EIS spectrums. Polarization curves showed that the corrosion potential of aluminium sacrificial anode had become positive and the activity of decreases with excessive element La;the constant current test showed that the current efficiency of aluminium sacrificial anode had been improved after adding La.[Conclusion] The electrochemical performance of aluminium sacrificial anode are improved effectively with proper addition of La element in seawater. The current efficiency of aluminium sacrificial anodes reach the peak while cotaining 0.2% La.
Key words:  electrochemical performance  La content  Al alloy  sacrificial anode

