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杨仲平,靳晓珠,黄华鸾.X射线荧光光谱法测定化探样品中的主次痕量元素[J].广西科学院学报,2006,22(S1):430-434. [点击复制]
- YANG Zhong-ping,JIN Xiao-zhu,HUANG Hua-luan.Determination of Major,Minor and Trace Elements in Geochemical Samples by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometric[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2006,22(S1):430-434. [点击复制]
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X射线荧光光谱法测定化探样品中的主次痕量元素 |
杨仲平, 靳晓珠, 黄华鸾
(桂林矿产地质研究院, 广西桂林 541004) |
摘要: |
采用低压聚乙烯镶边垫底的粉末样品压片制样,用ZSXprimusⅡX射线荧光光谱仪测定化探样品中C、N、Na、Mg、Al、Si、P、S、C1、K、Ca、Sc、Ti、V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Ga、As、Br、Rb、Sr、Y、Zr、Nb、Mo、Sn、Ba、La、Ce、Hf、U、Th、Pb和Nd,共39个组分,C、N的分析采用RX45、RX61专用分析晶体。使用经验系数法和康普顿散射线作内标校正基体效应,经标准物质检验的分析结果与标样值吻合。用GBW07308国家一级标准物质作精密度试验的统计结果,除U的RSD(n=12)为23.8%,Cl、Sc、Mo、Sn的RSD<13.0%以外,其余各组分均小于6.0%。 |
关键词: X射线荧光光谱法 主元素 次元素 痕量元素 化探样品 |
DOI: |
投稿时间:2006-08-05 |
基金项目: |
Determination of Major,Minor and Trace Elements in Geochemical Samples by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometric |
YANG Zhong-ping, JIN Xiao-zhu, HUANG Hua-luan
(Guilin Research Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China) |
Abstract: |
A method for the determination of C,N,Na,Mg,A1,Si,P,S,C1,K,Ca,Sc,Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Ga,As,Br,Rb,Sr,Y,Zr,Nb,Mo,Sn,Ba,La,Ce,Hf,U,Th,Pb and Nd in geochemical exploration samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with pressed powder pellet sample preparation was developed.Ultra collimator and special analysis crystals(such as RX45 and RX61) are used for C and N,Compton scattering line as the internal standard and empirical coefficients were used for the correction of matrix effect.Three Chinese national reference materials GBW 07401,GBW07428 and GBW07318 were selected for the verification of the accuracy of the method and the analytica1 results wel1 agreed with the certificate values.A Chinese nationa1 primary reference materia1 GBW 07308 with low elements contents was selected for precision test.Statistica1 results showed that RSD(n=12) were better than 6.0% for major elements and others,except for U=23.8%and for Cl,Sc,Mo,Sn<13.0%. |
Key words: X-ray fluorescence spectrometry major elements minor elements trace elements Geochemical sample |