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郑文俊, 陈颖, 洪子臻
深入剖析漓江流域景观资源前沿动态,对于推动漓江景观资源的科学保护与创新利用具有至关重要的意义。通过文献计量分析法,运用 CiteSpace6.4.R1对Web of Science(WOS)数据库和中国知网(CNKI)数据库中2004-2024年共461篇核心文献进行可视化知识图谱分析。结果表明:(1)研究主题整体呈现由基础特性研究向综合管理与可持续发展战略深入拓展的演变态势;(2)漓江流域景观生态结构的稳定性与恢复力持续增强,得益于生态环境质量的系统性优化和水环境质量的长效趋稳;(3)漓江流域景观资源价值体系包含自然与人文两大维度:自然景观以地质地貌景观、河流水文景观和生物植被景观为核心;人文景观涵盖城市历史景观、传统聚落与文化遗产景观。二者形成多维时空耦合关系。最后提出景观资源保育与恢复机制探索、多源数据驱动的智能监测体系构建、推动文化遗产与生态协同发展、人地系统资源管理技术集成等研究展望。研究结果可为漓江流域景观资源科学保护与创新发展提供参考。
关键词:  漓江流域  景观资源  可持续利用  文献计量  研究现状  未来展望
Research status and prospects for the sustainable utilization of landscape resources in the Lijiang River Basin
ZHENG Wenjun, CHEN Ying, HONG Zizhen
(Guillin University of Technology)
An in-depth analysis of the frontier dynamics of landscape resources in the Lijiang River Basin is of paramount importance for promoting the scientific conservation and innovative utilization of these resources. Employing bibliometric analysis and utilizing CiteSpace 6.4.R1, this study conducted a visual knowledge mapping analysis of 461 core articles from the Web of Science (WOS) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) databases spanning the years 2004 to 2024. The findings reveal: (1) The research themes have evolved from foundational characteristic studies to a deeper exploration of comprehensive management and sustainable development strategies. (2) The stability and resilience of the landscape ecological structure in the Lijiang River Basin have been continuously enhanced, benefiting from the systematic optimization of ecological environment quality and the long-term stabilization of water environment quality. (3) The value system of landscape resources in the Lijiang River Basin encompasses two major dimensions: natural and cultural. The natural landscape is centered around geological and geomorphological features, river hydrological landscapes, and biological vegetation landscapes. The cultural landscape includes urban historical landscapes, traditional settlements, and cultural heritage landscapes. These two dimensions form a multidimensional spatiotemporal coupling relationship. Finally, the study proposes future research directions, including the exploration of conservation and restoration mechanisms for landscape resources, the construction of an intelligent monitoring system driven by multi-source data, the promotion of synergistic development of cultural heritage and ecology, and the integration of resource management technologies for human-land systems. The results of this study can provide a reference for the scientific conservation and innovative development of landscape resources in the Lijiang River Basin.
Key words:  Lijiang River Basin  landscape resources  sustainable utilization  bibliometrics  current research status  future prospects  

