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姚胜勋1, 孙世一2, 马 萍2, 胡 超2, 吴佳佳2, 孙丛涛3, 蒋秋妹1, 吴仲昆2, 赖俊翔4
关键词:  LNG接收站  微型浮游动物  浮游植物  群落特征  生物污损
Characteristics of Micro-zooplankton and Phytoplankton Communities in the Seawater Intakes of LNG Terminal Stations
Problems such as marine bio-fouling and even blockage often occur in the seawater intake systems of LNG terminal station. Micro-zooplankton and phytoplankton, as important components of the marine ecosystem, researching their community composition characteristics is helpful for understanding and preventing these problems in seawater intake systems. In this study, eDNA metabarcoding sequencing combined with multiple statistical methods was used to study the characteristics of micro-zooplankton and phytoplankton communities in the seawater at the intakes of LNG terminal station in the city of Beihai (B), Qingdao (Q), Tianjin (T) and Zhoushan (Z).The results indicate that there are significant differences in the community compositions of micro-zooplankton and phytoplankton in the seawater at the intakes of the four LNG terminal station. However, the α-diversity is relatively high in Z, while the species richness is relatively high in T. Micro-zooplankton are mainly ciliates and cercozoans, and the dominant species in B and Z are mainly ciliates, while the dominant species in T and Q are mainly cercozoans. The phytoplankton communities are mainly composed of Bacillariophyta and Dinophyta, and the relative abundances of Bacillariophyta are the highest in T, Q and Z, while the relative abundance of Dinophyta is the highest in B. At the genus level, the most dominant genera in B and Q are Skeletonema) and Chaetoceros respectively, and the most dominant genus in both T and Z is Thalassiosira. Correlation analysis shows that the compositions of micro-zooplankton and phytoplankton communities in the seawater at the four LNG terminal station seawater intakes are mainly related to pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and temperature. The research results can provide certain references for the operation and management of LNG terminal station.
Key words:  LNG terminal station  micro-zooplankton  phytoplankton  community characteristics  bio-fouling

