  • 高英俊,易小爱,李依轩,廖坤,黄宗吉,罗志荣.晶体相场方法在纳米裂纹扩展与韧脆断裂领域的研究进展[J].广西科学,2023,30(2):320-331.    [点击复制]
  • GAO Yingjun,YI Xiao'ai,LI Yixuan,LIAO Kun,HUANG Zongji,LUO Zhirong.Application Progress of Phase Field Crystal Method in Study of Nano-Crack Propagation and Ductile-Brittle Fracture[J].Guangxi Sciences,2023,30(2):320-331.   [点击复制]
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高英俊1, 易小爱1, 李依轩1, 廖坤1, 黄宗吉1, 罗志荣2
(1.广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院, 广西南宁 530004;2.玉林师范学院物理与电子工程技术系, 广西玉林 537000)
关键词:  纳米裂纹  扩展分叉  韧-脆断裂  位错发射  晶体相场  建模与模拟
Application Progress of Phase Field Crystal Method in Study of Nano-Crack Propagation and Ductile-Brittle Fracture
GAO Yingjun1, YI Xiao'ai1, LI Yixuan1, LIAO Kun1, HUANG Zongji1, LUO Zhirong2
(1.School of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;2.School of Physics and Telecommunication Engineering, Yulin Normal University, Yulin, Guangxi, 537000, China)
In the 21st century,the role of computer numerical simulation technology in scientific research is becoming more and more prominent.It is known as the three major scientific research methods since the 20th century,together with experimental observation and theoretical model analysis.This article first briefly introduces the current situation of crack research and the scale limitations of macroscopic fracture mechanics,and explains the characteristic scale range and characteristics of the Phase Field Crystal (PFC) simulation method developed in recent years at the atomic level spatial resolution scale,as well as the advantages of the PFC model in simulating the microstructure evolution of materials at the nano-scale.Then,the main application results of PFC model in crack research are introduced,including the following five aspects:nano-Zener-crack nucleation and growth of cracks,emission of nano-wedge gap with dislocations from crack tip,effects of crystal column orientation on the ductile-brittle fracture of the crack extension,the classification of nano-hole-crack healing,nano-crack propagation mode.Finally,the development direction of PFC model and its new application fields and key directions in the field of crack research are summarized and pointed out.
Key words:  nano-crack  extension and branch  ductile-brittle fracture  dislocation emission  phase field crystal  modeling and simulation

