  • 文岐云,薛郁,岑炳玲,唐媛,盘薇.考虑下游平均优化车流量的延迟反馈控制方法[J].广西科学,2022,29(6):1188-1196.    [点击复制]
  • WEN Qiyun,XUE Yu,CEN Bingling,TANG Yuan,PAN Wei.A Feedback Control Scheme with Consideration of the Downstream Average Optimal Traffic Flow[J].Guangxi Sciences,2022,29(6):1188-1196.   [点击复制]
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文岐云1, 薛郁1, 岑炳玲1, 唐媛1, 盘薇2
(1.广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院, 广西南宁 530004;2.广西医科大学, 广西南宁 530021)
关键词:  格子流体力学模型  反馈控制  稳定性分析  非线性分析  扭结-反扭结波
A Feedback Control Scheme with Consideration of the Downstream Average Optimal Traffic Flow
WEN Qiyun1, XUE Yu1, CEN Bingling1, TANG Yuan1, PAN Wei2
(1.School of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;2.Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530021, China)
In order to achieve the suppression of traffic congestion,the difference between the downstream average optimized traffic flow and the current delayed traffic flow is introduced as feedback control based on the lattice hydrodynamic model.Firstly,through the stability analysis of the control equation,the stability of the characteristic polynomial ds is judged by Hurwitz criterion,and the first condition that the control equation satisfies the definition of traffic control theory is obtained.According to the H norm condition of the transfer function,the stability condition of the control equation is obtained.The mKdV equation is derived by the reduced perturbation method of nonlinear analysis,and the kink-anti-kink density wave solution describing traffic congestion is obtained.The results show that increasing the feedback gain λ and the retarded reaction time td can improve the stability of traffic control system.Through numerical simulation,the simulation results are in good agreement with the theoretical results.Based on the lattice hydrodynamic model,the difference between the downstream average optimization rate flow and the current delayed flow is considered as a delayed feedback control scheme,which can effectively suppress traffic congestion and is conducive to the stability of the transportation system.
Key words:  lattice hydrodynamic model  feedback control  stability analysis  nonlinear analysis  kink-anti-kink wave

