  • 陈楚,李小伟.基于RFID技术的电子围栏内施工人员行为预判与告警算法[J].广西科学,2022,29(5):908-913.    [点击复制]
  • CHEN Chu,LI Xiaowei.Behavior Prediction and Alarm Algorithm of Construction Personnel in Electronic Fence Based on RFID[J].Guangxi Sciences,2022,29(5):908-913.   [点击复制]
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陈楚, 李小伟
(广西电网有限责任公司电网规划研究中心, 广西南宁 530000)
在电子围栏内施工人员行为预判与告警研究中,面对不确定的行为信息,常见的告警算法存在大量时隙分配冲突,导致算法的自适应性较差。为此,提出基于射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技术的电子围栏内施工人员行为预判与告警算法。通过远程通信和RFID读写器实时读取施工人员的位置信息和行为信息,将逻辑运算符与时间约束运算符相结合预判施工人员行为,在预判到危险行为后,产生相应的告警信息,设计防冲突算法,将告警信息传递到对应的电子标签上,实现对施工人员的告警。实验结果表明:面对不确定的行为信息,设计的告警算法对施工人员行为信息识别水平高,在时隙分配中未发生冲突事件,且分配成功率在99%以上,其自适应性得到提升。
关键词:  RFID技术  电子围栏  施工人员  行为预判  告警算法  防冲突
Behavior Prediction and Alarm Algorithm of Construction Personnel in Electronic Fence Based on RFID
CHEN Chu, LI Xiaowei
(Power Grid Planning Research Center of Guangxi Power Grid Limited Liability Company, Nanning, Guangxi, 530000, China)
In the research on behavior prediction and alarm of construction personnel in electronic fence,in the face of uncertain behavior information,there are a large number of time slot allocation conflicts in common alarm algorithms,resulting in poor adaptability of the algorithm.Therefore,a behavior prediction and alarm algorithm for construction personnel in electronic fence based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is proposed.Through remote communication and RFID reader,the location information and behavior information of construction personnel are read in real time,and the logic operator and time constraint operator are combined to predict the behavior of construction personnel.After the dangerous behavior is predicted,the corresponding alarm information is generated.The anti-collision algorithm is designed to transmit the alarm information to the corresponding electronic tag to realize the alarm of construction personnel.The experimental results show that in the face of uncertain behavior information,the designed alarm algorithm has a high level of construction personnel behavior information recognition,no conflict events in time slot allocation,and the allocation success rate is more than 99%,and its self adaptability has been improved.
Key words:  RFID technology  electronic fence  construction personnel  behavior prediction  alarm algorithm  conflict prevention

