  • 周争桥,夏维,邱文博,李冠宇.基于MIKE3的丰枯水期防城湾水交换能力研究[J].广西科学,2020,27(3):311-318.    [点击复制]
  • ZHOU Zhengqiao,XIA Wei,QIU Wenbo,LI Guanyu.Study on Water Exchange Capacity of Fangcheng Bay in Dry and Wet Season Based on MIKE3 Model[J].Guangxi Sciences,2020,27(3):311-318.   [点击复制]
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周争桥1, 夏维1, 邱文博2, 李冠宇2
(1.交通运输部南海航海保障中心广州海事测绘中心, 广东广州 510320;2.国家海洋技术中心, 天津 300111)
为了对防城湾水交换能力有全面的认识,本文基于无结构的三角网格建立高分辨率的MIKE3水动力数值模型,采用Lagrange质点追踪方法,选取水体半交换周期和水体交换律作为评价指标,评价防城湾丰枯水期水交换能力。结果表明:防城湾水交换主要受径流和潮流控制,因防城河的存在,西湾保守物质浓度的空间分布呈现由河口向湾外增加趋势,东湾的保守物质浓度的空间分布呈现由湾口向湾内增加趋势,随着时间的增加,两湾保守物质浓度下降速率降低;西湾水交换时间明显少于东湾,半交换期在丰水期为1.7 d,在枯水期为3.6 d;东湾在丰水期半交换时间为15.2 d,在枯水期为27.8 d。
关键词:  MIKE3  水交换  水交换半周期  水交换率  防城湾
Study on Water Exchange Capacity of Fangcheng Bay in Dry and Wet Season Based on MIKE3 Model
ZHOU Zhengqiao1, XIA Wei1, QIU Wenbo2, LI Guanyu2
(1.The Navigation Guarrantee Center of South China Sea(NGCS) MOT Guangzhou Hydrographic Center, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510320, China;2.Nation Ocean Technology Center, Tianjin, 300111, China)
In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the water exchange capacity in Fangcheng Bay, a high-resolution MIKE3 hydrodynamic numerical model based on the unstructured triangular grid is established. Using Lagrange proton tracing method, the half exchange period and commutative law of water are selected as the evaluation indexes to evaluate the water exchange capacity of Fangcheng Bay in dry and wet seasons.The results show that the water exchange in Fangcheng Bay is mainly controlled by runoff and tide. Due to the existence of Fangcheng River, the spatial distribution of the concentration of conservative substances in the West Bay increased from the estuary to the outside of the bay, and the spatial distribution of the concentration of conservative substances increase from the estuary to the inside of the bay. With the increase of time, the rate of decline in the concentration of conservative substances in the two bays decreases. The water exchange time in West Bay is obviously less than that in East Bay.The half exchange period of West Bay is 1.7 d in wet season and 3.6 d in dry season, while the half exchange period of East Bay is 15.2 d in wet season and 27.8 d in dry season.
Key words:  MIKE3  water exchange  half cycle of water exchange  water exchange rate  Fangcheng Bay

