  • 黄艳燕,王升,冯涛,唐智慧,莫君明.大米蛋白水解条件的响应面法优化[J].广西科学,2020,27(2):175-181,194.    [点击复制]
  • HUANG Yanyan,WANG Sheng,FENG Tao,TANG Zhihui,MO Junming.Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis for Rice Protein via Response Surface Methodology[J].Guangxi Sciences,2020,27(2):175-181,194.   [点击复制]
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黄艳燕1, 王升2, 冯涛3, 唐智慧3, 莫君明3,4
(1.广西科学院, 非粮生物质酶解国家重点实验室, 国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心, 广西南宁 530007;2.南宁庞博生物工程有限公司, 广西南宁 530004;3.广西民族大学化学化工学院, 广西林产化学与工程重点实验室, 广西南宁 530006;4.南宁穗肽生物技术有限公司, 广西南宁 530006)
运用响应面法优化大米蛋白酶法水解条件,提高大米蛋白水解度和提取率。本研究首先应用单因素实验法分析酶添加量、温度、pH值以及酶解时间对大米蛋白水解的影响;然后在单因素实验基础上,进一步采用Box-Behnken法进行实验设计,考察上述4个因素对大米蛋白水解度和蛋白质提取率的影响。研究结果表明最佳酶解条件为温度62℃,酶添加量2.5%,pH值8.2,酶解时间10.5 h,此时大米蛋白的水解度可达到41.5%,蛋白质提取率可达93.1%。研究成果可为酶解制备可溶性大米蛋白肽的工业化应用提供参考。
关键词:  响应面法  大米蛋白  酶解  水解度  蛋白质提取率
Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis for Rice Protein via Response Surface Methodology
HUANG Yanyan1, WANG Sheng2, FENG Tao3, TANG Zhihui3, MO Junming3,4
(1.National Engineering Research Centre for Non-food Biorefinery, State Key Laboratory of Non-food Biomass and Enzyme Technology, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China;2.Nanning Pangbo Biological Engineering Co., Ltd., Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;3.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Chemistry and Engineering of Forest Products, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Guangxi University for Nationalities, 530006, China;4.Nanning Chemmatic Biotec Co., Ltd., Nanning, Guangxi, 530006, China)
In order to improve the degree of rice protein hydrolysis and extraction rate,response surface method was used to optimize the hydrolysis process of rice proteins.In this study,first of all,the single factor experiment method was used to analyze the effect of enzyme addition amount,temperature,pH value and enzymatic hydrolysis time on rice protein hydrolysis.Furthermore,on the basis of single factor experiment,Box-Behnken method was used to design the experiment to investigate the influence of the above four factors on the degree of rice protein hydrolysis and protein extraction rate.The results showed that the optimum conditions of enzymatic hydrolysis were temperature 62℃,enzyme addition 2.5%,pH 8.2,and hydrolysis time 10.5 h.Under this condition,the degree of hydrolysis of rice protein could reach 41.5%,and the rate of protein extraction could reach 93.1%.The research results can provide references for the industrial application of soluble rice protein peptide prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis.
Key words:  response surface method  rice protein  enzymatic hydrolysis  degree of hydrolysis  protein extraction rate

