  • 范航清,陆露,阎冰.广西红树林演化史与研究历程[J].广西科学,2018,25(4):343-351.    [点击复制]
  • FAN Hangqing,LU Lu,YAN Bing.Evolution History and Research Processes of Guangxi Mangroves[J].Guangxi Sciences,2018,25(4):343-351.   [点击复制]
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范航清, 陆露, 阎冰
((广西科学院广西红树林研究中心, 广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室, 广西北海 536000))
红树林至少于7 000万年前诞生在地球上,在大约6 000年前的冰后期之后的某段时期才定居在我国的沿海滩涂上。清代人口大规模南迁,广西沿海的红树林因围海造田而开始遭到大规模破坏。20世纪80年代末广西留存海堤498个,其中的455个修建于1949年之前。全国调查数据表明,1980-2000年广西沿海虾塘建设侵占了1 464.1 hm2红树林;1986-2008年广西有166个新虾塘毁灭红树林438.91 hm2。在面积方面,1840年左右广西有红树林约24 065.8 hm2;1949年约10 856.6 hm2;2013年7 243.15 hm2,其中北海市3 263.66 hm2、钦州市2 097.41 hm2、防城港市1 882.07 hm2。广西红树林科学研究走过了1980-1990年的起始阶段,1991-2000年的积累阶段,2001-2010年的快速发展阶段及2011年以来的生态工程应用攻坚阶段。广西经历了21世纪头十年的红树林国际合作黄金期,培养了人才,提高了能力,促进了管理,显著提升了影响力。
关键词:  红树林  演化史  研究历程  北部湾  广西
Evolution History and Research Processes of Guangxi Mangroves
FAN Hangqing, LU Lu, YAN Bing
((Guangxi Key Laboratory of Mangrove Conservation and Utilization, Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China))
Mangroves appeared on the earth at least 70 million years ago, and colonized on tidal flats along the coasts of China in about six thousand years ago in a period after the postglacial age.Mangroves in Guangxi were damaged extensively due to the reclamation of mangroves for paddy field in Qing Dynasty when migrants moved in.For those sea dykes still existed in late 1980s along the coastline of Guangxi, 455 out of 498 were constructed before 1949.The results of national general surveys indicated that in Guangxi 1 464.1 hm2 of mangroves were reclaimed for shrimp ponds from 1980 to 2000, and 438.91 hm2 of mangroves were encroached by 166 shrimp ponds from 1986 to 2008.In Guangxi, mangrove area was about 24 065.8 hm2 in around 1840, approximately 10 856.6 hm2 in 1949, and 7 243.15 hm2 in 2013, of which 3 263.66 hm2 in Beihai, 2 097.41 hm2 in Qinzhou and 1 882.07 hm2 in Fangchenggang.Scientific research on mangroves in Guangxi can be divided into four stages, i.e., the early stage of 1980-1990, the growing stage of 1991-2000, the rapid development stage of 2001-2010, and the new stage of eco-engineering application oriented research since 2011.In the first decade of the 21st century, international cooperation was effectively performed in Guangxi on mangroves, benefiting Guangxi extensively in mangrove expertise training, capacity building, management improving, and research reputation being realized.
Key words:  mangrove  evolution history  research process  BeibuGulf  Guangxi

