  • 徐飞飞,张凡,袁驰文,王戎丞,陈红梅,欧阳义芳,陶小马.Sn-Sb-Te三元合金相图200℃等温截面[J].广西科学,2017,24(4):361-365.    [点击复制]
  • XU Feifei,ZHANG Fan,YUAN Chiwen,WANG Rongcheng,CHEN Hongmei,OUYANG Yifang,TAO Xiaoma.Isothermal Section of Sn-Sb-Te Ternary System at 200℃[J].Guangxi Sciences,2017,24(4):361-365.   [点击复制]
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徐飞飞, 张凡, 袁驰文, 王戎丞, 陈红梅, 欧阳义芳, 陶小马
(广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院, 广西南宁 530004)
[目的]获得在SnTe基热电材料中掺杂Sb后的相关系。[方法]采用X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD)、Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)及Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS)对合金样品进行测试,绘制Sn-Sb-Te三元系图200℃等温截面并进行相关系分析。[结果]Sn-Sb-Te三元体系200℃等温截面由3个单相区、5个两相区和5个三相区组成。其中,5个三相区分别是Sb2Te3+Te+SnSb2Te4、SbTe+SnSb2Te4+Sb2Te3、SnTe+δ-Sb2Te+Sb、SnTe+SnSb+Sb和SnTe+SnSb+Sn。200℃时,Sb元素在SnTe相中的固溶度为3.57 at.%;此外,在200℃下Sn-Sb-Te三元系中出现文献报道的SnSb2Te4三元相。[结论]通过合金法测定了Sn-Sb-Te三元合金相图在200℃的相平衡关系,为进一步开发SbTe基热电材料提供有益参考。
关键词:  Sn-Sb-Te  合金相图  等温截面
Isothermal Section of Sn-Sb-Te Ternary System at 200℃
XU Feifei, ZHANG Fan, YUAN Chiwen, WANG Rongcheng, CHEN Hongmei, OUYANG Yifang, TAO Xiaoma
(School of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
[Objective] In order to obtain the correlation after doping Sb in the thermoelectric conversion materials of the matrix SnTe.[Methods] The isothermal section of the Sn-Sb-Te ternary system at 200℃ was determined and analysized. The alloy samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) techniques.[Results] The results show that the isothermal section of the Sn-Sb-Te system at 200℃ is composed of three single phase regions, five two phase regions and five three phase regions. Where, the five three phase regions are Sb2Te3+Te+SnSb2Te4, SbTe+SnSb2Te4+Sb2Te3, SnTe+δ-Sb2Te+Sb, SnTe+SnSb+Sb, SnTe+SnSb+Sn, respectively.The solubility of Sb in SnTe phase is 3.57 at.% at 200℃. Moreover, the SnSb2Te4 ternary compound reported in the literature appeared in Sn-Sb-Te ternary system at 200℃.[Conclusion] The isothermal section of Sn-Sb-Te has been determined at 200℃ by using alloy melting method, which can provide a useful reference for further development of the SbTe-based thermoelectric materials.
Key words:  Sn-Sb-Te  alloy phase diagram  isothermal section

