  • 王春阳,刘艳霞,毕京佳,董慧君.典型电厂区多源遥感定量反演的适宜性评价[J].广西科学,2016,23(6):528-537.    [点击复制]
  • WANG Chunyang,LIU Yanxia,BI Jingjia,DONG Huijun.Evaluation of Various Satellite Sensors for Quantitative Retrieval of Different Elements in Diverse Power Plant[J].Guangxi Sciences,2016,23(6):528-537.   [点击复制]
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王春阳1, 刘艳霞2, 毕京佳2,3, 董慧君4
(1.山东电力工程咨询院有限公司, 山东济南 250013;2.中国科学院海洋研究所, 海洋地质与环境重点实验室, 山东青岛 266071;3.青岛恒天翼信息科技有限公司, 山东青岛 266061;4.山东省东营市勘察测绘院, 山东东营 257091)
关键词:  多源遥感技术  电厂选址  岸线变化监测  洪痕识别
Evaluation of Various Satellite Sensors for Quantitative Retrieval of Different Elements in Diverse Power Plant
WANG Chunyang1, LIU Yanxia2, BI Jingjia2,3, DONG Huijun4
(1.Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Co., Ltd., Jinan, Shandong, 250013, China;2.Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, Shandong, 266071, China;3.Qingdao Heng Tian Yi Information Technology Co., Ltd, Qingdao, Shandong, 266061, China;4.Dongying Surveying and Mapping Institute of Shandong Province, Dongying, Shandong, 257091, China)
[Objective] The impacts of spatiotemporal resolution of remote sensing satellite sensors were explored on the accuracy of quantitative retrieval of different elements in diverse regions.[Methods] An ability of various satellite sensors for waterline extraction and inundated area identification was evaluated in Shouguang coal-fired power plant and the northwest typical flood area.[Results] The result of shoreline change monitoring shows that tidal variations and terrain change can affect the use of remote sensing techniques for delineating coastline.In different beach slope scales,waterline heightens error,interpolation inaccuracy,inadequate sensor resolution and slope correcting error will separately play a major role.In the extraction of flood inundated area by remote sensing inversion,the soil moisture content method using Landsat data is considered more accurate in extracting of flood-mark and inundated area based on the comparative verification of the results of the field survey and simulation.[Conclusion] This study can provide reasonable remote sensing data source and the corresponding technical methods for the location selection and post monitoring of power plant,and also service the reliable theory basis of remote sensing interpretation on the environmental monitoring of engineering site.
Key words:  multi-source satellite technique  power plant site selection  coastline extraction  flood-mark identification

