  • 李小维,裴木凤.铁山港湾港口总体规划用海对海水动力环境的影响预测[J].广西科学,2015,22(3):274-280.    [点击复制]
  • LI Xiao-wei,PEI Mu-feng.Impact Prediction of Sea Engineering of Tieshangang Bay Port Overall Planning on Hydrodynamic Environment[J].Guangxi Sciences,2015,22(3):274-280.   [点击复制]
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李小维, 裴木凤
(国家海洋局北海海洋环境监测中心站, 广西北海 536000)
[目的]研究铁山港湾港口总体规划工程的建设对周边海域潮位、纳潮量和流场3个方面的影响。[方法]采用二维潮流数学模型对铁山港湾海域的潮流场进行数值模拟,分析工程前后水动力变化情况。[结果]铁山港港口总体规划实施后,石头埠站、沙田站和安铺站最高潮位均有所增加,增加幅度分别为0.03 m,0.11 m,0.10 m;石头埠断面潮流涨急流速略有减小,平均减小幅度为0.06 m/s,落急流速略有增加,平均增加幅度为0.06 m/s;沙田断面涨落潮流速均略有增大,增加幅度为0.11~0.17 m/s;安铺断面主槽区流速基本上无变化;工程后石头埠、沙田和安铺3个断面的纳潮量均有不同程度的增加,分别为1.8%,3.1%和4.3%,沙田断面单宽纳潮量变化不大。[结论]港口总体规划工程实施后,铁山湾内涨潮时流速较小、落潮时流速较大的分布规律没有改变,对铁山港水动力环境影响较小。
关键词:  铁山港湾  港口规划  水动力  影响
Impact Prediction of Sea Engineering of Tieshangang Bay Port Overall Planning on Hydrodynamic Environment
LI Xiao-wei, PEI Mu-feng
(Beihai Marine Environmental Monitoring Central Station of State Oceanic Administration, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
[Objective] The impact of implementation of Tieshangang Bay port overall planning on the hydrodynamic environment was analyzed at three aspects, including the water level, flow field and tidal volume.[Methods] Two-dimensional flow circulation model was used to analyze the hydrodynamic environment changes before and after the project.[Results] The results show that the highest water level increases at all three stations of Shitoubu, Shatian and Anpu after the implementation of Tieshangang's port overall planning, and the amplitude increases 0.03 m, 0.11 m and 0.10 m, respectively. In Shitoubu section, the velocity of flow decreases slightly and the average decrease rate is 0.06 m/s while the velocity of ebb increases slightly and the average increase rate is 0.06 m/s. In Shatian section, fluctuation trend speed slightly increases and reaches to the range of 0.11~0.17 m/s. In Anpu section, there is basically no change in the velocity.The counting tidal flux of Shitoubu, Shatian and Anpu sections increases at different degrees, by 1.8%, 3.1% and 4.3%, respectively. Single-wide counting tidal flux changes little in Shatian section.[Conclusion] After the port planning is implemented, the situation that ebb velocity is greater than flood has not changed, and thus the change of hydrodynamic environment is small.
Key words:  Tieshangang  port planning  hydrodynamic  impact

