  • 黄向青,夏真,梁开,张顺枝,崔振昂,潘毅.全新世以来广西主要河口近岸沉积物粘土分布及富集特征[J].广西科学,2014,21(4):411-418.    [点击复制]
  • HUANG Xiang-qing,XIA Zhen,LIANG Kai,ZHANG Shun-zhi,CUI Zhen-ang,PAN Yi.Clay Distribution and Accumulation in Sediments of Main Estuary along Guangxi Coast Since Holocene[J].Guangxi Sciences,2014,21(4):411-418.   [点击复制]
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黄向青, 夏真, 梁开, 张顺枝, 崔振昂, 潘毅
(国土资源部海底矿产资源重点实验室, 广州海洋地质调查局, 广东广州 510760)
关键词:  近岸  粘土  分布  关系  富集
Clay Distribution and Accumulation in Sediments of Main Estuary along Guangxi Coast Since Holocene
HUANG Xiang-qing, XIA Zhen, LIANG Kai, ZHANG Shun-zhi, CUI Zhen-ang, PAN Yi
(Key Laboratory of Marine Mineral Resources, MLR, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510760, China)
[Objective] The distribution, variation, relationship and accumulation of clay were analyzed in main estuary in Guangxi coast in order to understand their characteristics.[Methods] Four boreholes and 52 surficial sediments were sampled from outer Qinzhou Bay to western Beihai waters. Based on the sediment sampling and laboratory sample test data, the clay distribution, composition and variation were estimated since Holocene.[Results] The clay widely appears in studied area ranging from 0%~48.64% in boreholes and 0%~62.10% in surficial sediments with inputting from river runoff and coast erosion. Vertical clay's concentration varies in waving way in boreholes, which generally showed a decreasing trend but transited since late Holocene 1m and increased.F grain takes main part of clay and indicates river-facies and estuary-facies opposite to shallow shelf. Developed from late Holocene, the finest F grain of surficial sediments takes account the ratio of 0.65 in average and reaches the maximum of 0.84, revealing river's control maintains and enhances. The clay demonstrates a sensitive response to dynamic sedimentary environment by means of average grain size and grain parameters.[Conclusion] Combining clay's background value and enriching index C/C', main clay accumulating areas include the mouth of Qingzhou Bay, the intersection of Qingzhou Bay and Sanniang Bay, and southwestern part of studied area, corresponding to deeper and tide controlled low energy areas.
Key words:  near shore  clay  distribution  relationship  accumulation

