  • 邓芊芊,华平,欧梅莲,白新源,高英俊.初始原子排列对亚晶界湮没影响的晶体相场模拟[J].广西科学,2014,21(3):252-256.    [点击复制]
  • DENG Qian-qian,HUA Ping,OU Mei-lian,BAI Xin-yuan,GAO Ying-jun.Simulation of the Influence of Initial Atomic Arrangement to Sub-grain Boundary Annihilation by Phase Field Crystal Method[J].Guangxi Sciences,2014,21(3):252-256.   [点击复制]
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邓芊芊1, 华平1, 欧梅莲1, 白新源1, 高英俊1,2
(1.广西大学物理科学与工程技术学院, 广西南宁 530004;2.广西大学广西有色金属及特色材料加工重点实验室, 广西南宁 530004)
关键词:  晶体相场模型  亚晶界  初始原子对齐程度  应力诱发湮没
Simulation of the Influence of Initial Atomic Arrangement to Sub-grain Boundary Annihilation by Phase Field Crystal Method
DENG Qian-qian1, HUA Ping1, OU Mei-lian1, BAI Xin-yuan1, GAO Ying-jun1,2
(1.College of Physics Science and Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;2.Guangxi Key Laboratory for Non-ferrous Metal and Featured Materials, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
[Objective] The aim of this study is researching the influence of initial atomic arrangement to sub-grain boundary annihilation.[Methods] The phase field crystal model is employed to simulate the annihilation process of sub-grain boundary (SGB) under strain.We have analyzed the process from two aspects of dislocation movement and system energy, then discussed the influence of initial atomic arrangement on the subgrain annihilation.[Results] The simulation result show that, as the lattice misfit is a/4 (a:The distance between atoms), dislocations firstly climb along the SGB under strain, then all dislocations break up into two new dislocations.One of the two dislocations climb and glide into the grain.For a while, the dislocation crosses the grain until it is annihilated with another dislocation moving along opposite direction.At this moment, the other continues to move in the style of climbing.When getting enough energy, they climb and glide into the grain, too.Finally, they are annihilated with another dislocation and the two grain systems with SGB become one grain system.As the lattice misfit is a/2, the annihilation process changes largely compared with that of lattice misfit being a/4.[Conclusion] Although all dislocations climb and glide into the grain at the beginning of the simulation, a complex interaction appear during the process, finally all dislocation are annihilated and the two grain systems with SGB become one grain system.The system energy of the process decreases with strain increasing, and 4 peaks and valleys appear during this process.
Key words:  phase field crystal model  sub-grain boundary  initial atomic arrangement  annihilation under strain

