  • 李盛春,孔令江,刘慕仁.高速公路坡道对交通流的影响[J].广西科学,2008,15(1):47-51.    [点击复制]
  • LI Sheng-chun,KONG Ling-jiang,LIU Mu-ren.The Effect of Uphill Gradient Bottleneck on Freeway Traffic[J].Guangxi Sciences,2008,15(1):47-51.   [点击复制]
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李盛春, 孔令江, 刘慕仁
(广西师范大学物理与电子工程学院, 广西桂林 541004)
关键词:  交通流  坡道  瓶颈效应  元胞自动机  NaSch模型
The Effect of Uphill Gradient Bottleneck on Freeway Traffic
LI Sheng-chun, KONG Ling-jiang, LIU Mu-ren
(College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
Considering the different maximum speed of vehicles run on different road sections, we present a Cellular Automaton model for single-lane vehicle traffic flow under the periodical boundary condition.We study the effects of uphill gradient and after setting up the uphill-climbed gradient lane on freeway traffic.The results indicate that the critical density of traffic flow is the same with different slope length.Before the critical density, the average speed decreases with the increasing of the slope length.In the moderate density rigion, the traffic flow decreases a little with the increasing of the slope length;When the dumping of slpoe increase, the average speed decreases greatly even in free flow, the corresponding critical density decreases too.After the critical point, the speed decreases greatly with the increasing of the slope dumping.All the speeds are not the same untill the density is large enough.In the moderate density rigion, the max traffic flow decreases soon with the increasing of the slope dumping, and the proportion of slower vehicles have no strong influence on the traffic flow;the critical density of traffic flow is not changed after setting up another uphill gradient.Before the critical point, when set up the uphill-climbed gradient, the speed decreases soon with the increasing of the density, but it is bigger.After the critical point, when the density is not large enough, the speed is still bigger.The speed in the two condictions are not the same untill the density large enough.
Key words:  vehicle traffic flow  upill gradient  bottlenet effects  cellular automaton  NaSch model

