  • 谭健晖,蔡玲,王以红,陈学政,朱高浦,吴耀军.不同无性繁殖复壮措施对桉树生长及抗病性比较研究[J].广西科学,2007,14(2):167-171.    [点击复制]
  • TAN Jian-hui,CAI Ling,WANG Yi-hong,CHEN Xue-zheng,ZHU Gao-pu,WU Yao-jun.Comparison of Different Vegetative Propagation and Rejuvenation on the Growth Traits and Disease-resistance of Eucalyptus[J].Guangxi Sciences,2007,14(2):167-171.   [点击复制]
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谭健晖1,2, 蔡玲1, 王以红1, 陈学政3, 朱高浦3, 吴耀军1
(1.广西林业科学研究院, 广西南宁 530001;2.广西大学农学院, 广西南宁 530005;3.广西大学林学院, 广西南宁 530005)
以巨尾桉(Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla)广林9号幼林为材料,采用组培繁殖和扦插繁殖两种苗木进行桉树生长规律及抗病性衰退的比较研究。组培繁殖设4个处理,分别为第1、8、15、28次继代苗(简称为组培1代、组培8代、组培15代和组培28代);扦插繁殖设3个处理,种植第15代组培苗做采穗圃,分别于第1、2、3年后采穗扦插的扦插苗(简称为1年扦插、2年扦插和3年扦插)。试验结果表明,不同无性繁殖方法的幼林树高、地径生长曲线呈双峰型,峰值分别出现在3月和6月,树高、地径生长量及月增长量变化不同,组培苗在地径生长方面具有较大优势,树高生长方面虽然前期较差,但后期增长快,总体上仍具有优势;同一繁殖方法随着繁殖代数增加,树高、地径生长均呈下降趋势;不同繁殖方法以及不同繁殖代数都会对抗青枯病能力造成影响,组培苗的抗病性优于扦插苗,同一繁殖方法随着繁殖代数的增加抗病性下降,但抗病性衰退速度不同;不同无性繁殖的抗焦枯病能力不同,组培苗随着继代次数的增加而减弱,扦插苗随着繁殖年份的增加而升高;7种无性繁殖复壮措施的抗衰退能力为组培1代最强,组培8代次之,3年扦插最弱。
关键词:  桉树  无性繁殖  生长衰退  抗病性衰退
Comparison of Different Vegetative Propagation and Rejuvenation on the Growth Traits and Disease-resistance of Eucalyptus
TAN Jian-hui1,2, CAI Ling1, WANG Yi-hong1, CHEN Xue-zheng3, ZHU Gao-pu3, WU Yao-jun1
(1.Guangxi Forestry Research Institute, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China;2.Forestry Institute, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530005, China;3.Agronomy Institute, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530005, China)
Using the young trees of Eucalyptus built by different vegetative propagation methods, we tested their growth traits and disease resistance.Plants of first, 8th, 15th and 28th generation.Cutting seedlings of first, second and third year in cutting orchard coming from 15th generations propagated were regenerated.The testing results showed that the growth curve of tree height and diameter at ground height presented the trend of double peak.They appearin the maximum in March and June respectively.The tissue culture was better than rooting cuttings propagation on growth traits. With the increasing of serial propagation, the growth traits of the young forests of Eucalyptus showed descending trend.Different vegetative propagation measures and serial propagation would effect on bacteria wilt resistance.Tissue culture had a better resistance.On the other hand, the disease-resistance showed descending trend, but the descending rate was different.To the ability of Eucalyptus puts dieback, the tissue culture showed descending trend, but the rooting cuttings rejuvenation has a raising trend.So according to the testing results, it can be indicated synthetically that the resistance to senescence of the first tissues culture generation was the strongest, the eighth generation was stronger, and the third generation from cutting was the weakest among the 7 vegetative propagation and rejuvenation methods.
Key words:  Eucalyptus  vegetative propagation  rejuvenation  growth senescence  disease-resistance senescence

