  • 童万平,韦蔓新,何本茂,蔡德建,杨家林.不同对虾养殖水体中无机磷与叶绿素a的关系研究[J].广西科学,2005,12(3):227-229.    [点击复制]
  • Tong Wanping,Wei Manxin,He Benmao,Cai Dejian,Yang Jialin.Research on the Relationship between DIP and Chlorophyl-a in Different Model's Water of Shrimp Culture[J].Guangxi Sciences,2005,12(3):227-229.   [点击复制]
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童万平1, 韦蔓新2, 何本茂2, 蔡德建1, 杨家林1
(1.广西海洋研究所, 广西北海 536000;2.广西红树林研究中心, 广西北海 536000)
关键词:  对虾  养殖  水体  无机磷  叶绿素a
Research on the Relationship between DIP and Chlorophyl-a in Different Model's Water of Shrimp Culture
Tong Wanping1, Wei Manxin2, He Benmao2, Cai Dejian1, Yang Jialin1
(1.Guangxi Institute of Oceanography, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China;2.Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
To study the correlationship between DIP and chlorophyll-a(chl-a) in different model's water of shrimp culture,we tested the pH value and COD in 8 industrialized culture ponds and 4 normal ponds during 15th~19th,Oct.,2001,and drawed the water samples for DIP and chl-a analyse in laboratory.The industrialized shrimp culture model with high density,high forage-fed and the normal model with low density,low forage-fed, were undertaken at the culture base of Guangxi Institute of Oceanography.The DIP and chlorophyll-a contents of industrialized model were 0.82~1.59mg/L and 1.71μg/dm3 respectively,showing high DIP and low plant biomass in the environment of water.But in the normal model, the environment of water was characterized as low DIP and high plant biomass,while they presented as 0.041mg/L of DIP and 3.94~6.86μg/dm3 of chlorophyll-a.The results of correlation analysis showed that,in the two model's water,DIP and chl-a had a strong negative correlation(r=|-0.791|~|-0.927|> r0.01=0.708),at the same time,DIP and COD,had a strong positive correlation(r=0.818~0.904> r0.01=0.708),DIP and pH value,had 3d negative correlation(r=|-0.685|~|0.750|> r0.05=0.576).The important effective factors to DIP and chl-a are the illumination and the nutrient salt.
Key words:  shrimp  culture  water  DIP  chlorophyll-a

