  • 吴世海,王志成,周浩郎,朱校斌,梁志辉,赖陈民乐,莫永杰,王新亭.广西潮上带斑节对虾和日本对虾高产轮养[J].广西科学,2002,9(4):320-324.    [点击复制]
  • Wu Shihai,Wang Zhicheng,Zhou Haolang,Zhu Xiaobin,Liang Zhihui,Laichen Minle,Mo Yongjie,Wang Xinting.Intensive Alternate Farming of Grass Prawn (Penaeus monodon) and Kuruma Shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) in the Shrimp Ponds of Supratidal Zone of Guangxi[J].Guangxi Sciences,2002,9(4):320-324.   [点击复制]
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吴世海, 王志成, 周浩郎, 朱校斌, 梁志辉, 赖陈民乐, 莫永杰, 王新亭
(防城港市海洋科技开发中心, 防城港市 538021)
在广西防城港市企沙镇进行斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)和日本对虾(Penaeus japonicus)轮换养殖试验。虾池为砂质土池,圆形或椭圆形,虾池深2.45m,每口池面积0.40~0.82hm2。每池中心有一个排水和排污系统,池堤内斜坡用水泥预制板衬砌。斑节对虾于1998年和1999年的4~5月放苗,平均放苗密度分别为73.97尾/米2和60.14尾/米2,平均养殖天数分别为128d和124d;日本对虾于1998年和1999年的8~9月放苗,平均放苗密度分别为31.00尾/米2和34.13尾/米2,平均养殖天数为112d和110d。结果表明,斑节对虾的成活率为55.02%和56.00%,单位产量624.30g/m2和601.55g/m2;日本对虾的成活率为44.56%和44.93%,单位产量113.07g/m2和127.09g/m2
关键词:  对虾  斑节对虾  日本对虾  高产轮养  朝上带
Intensive Alternate Farming of Grass Prawn (Penaeus monodon) and Kuruma Shrimp (Penaeus japonicus) in the Shrimp Ponds of Supratidal Zone of Guangxi
Wu Shihai, Wang Zhicheng, Zhou Haolang, Zhu Xiaobin, Liang Zhihui, Laichen Minle, Mo Yongjie, Wang Xinting
(Fangchenggang Ocean Science and Technology Development Center, Fangchenggang, Guangxi, 538021, China)
The intensive alternate farming of grass prawn and kuruma shrimp was conducted in the shrimp ponds in Qisha town,Fangchenggang city,Guangxi. The ponds are sandy shrimp in substratum,round and oval in shape,2.45 m in depth,0.40~0.82 hm2 in size,and all equipped with a drainage in the center of each pond and the inside slopes of every pond are protected by precast concrete slabs.The grass prawn was stocked in April to May of 1998 and 1999,with an average density of 73.97 ind./m2 and 60.14 ind./m2,and average farming days of 128 and 124,respectively. The kuruma shrimp was stocked in August to September of 1998 and 1999, with an average density of 31.00 ind./m2 and 34.13 ind./m2,and average farming days of 112 and 110,respectively. The results of the trial showed that the 55.02% and 56.00% of survival rates and the 624.30 g/m2 and 601.55 g/m2 of yields were obtained for grass prawn, and the 44.56% and 44.93% of survival rates and the 113.07 g/m2 and 127.09 g/m2 of yields were obtained for kuruma shrimp.
Key words:  shrimp  Penaeus monodon  Penaeus japonicus  intensive alternate farming  supratidal zone

