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  • Liu Kanghuai,Li Yanhong.Discussion on the Quality of Shatianyou (Citrus grandis) and Soil Environmental Chemistry in Gongcheng[J].Guangxi Sciences,1997,4(4):271-275.   [点击复制]
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刘康怀, 李艳红
(桂林工学院, 桂林市建干路12号 541004)
关键词:  沙田柚  土壤环境化学  微量元素  果实品质
Discussion on the Quality of Shatianyou (Citrus grandis) and Soil Environmental Chemistry in Gongcheng
Liu Kanghuai, Li Yanhong
(Guilin Institute of Technology, 12 Jianganlu, Guilin, 541004)
The soil, fruits, leaves and twigs of Shatianyou (Citrus grandis) were collected to test macro-and micro-elements from three kinds of different environments of Gongcheng county, in which the first situation is excellent fruitage with more than 300 fruits per tree in the current year; the second one is a common fruitage with 50 fruits, and the third one hasn't any fruits in the tree for 8 years and hopeless in the future. The results showed that the average content of sugar was more than 10%,the soluble solid state materials was 17%, citric acid was 0.31%. The ratios of sugar to acid and solid sate materials to acid were more than 30.The contents of K2O and P2O5 in the soil where the good quality Shatianyou trees growed were 1.30% to 2.21% and 0.15% to 0.18%, respectively. The soil where the trees are fruitless contains more than 21.15% of Al2O3. The soil environmental chemistry background of the Shatianyou is La<50×10-6, Y<30×10-6,Pb<6×10-6,and the element contents of the fruit-coat are La<1×10-6, Y<5×10-6. It is suggested that the fertilizers of Zn, Cu and B should be added more in the Shatianyou gardens of Gongcheng county area.
Key words:  Shatianyou (Citrus grandis)  soil environmental chemistry  trace elements  Quality of fruit

