摘要: |
结合野外考察及部分室内实验,纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua Plumipes)在陕西歧山县最适生境为有稀树、土台或沟壑的开阔田野。种群密度冬季(1~2月)0.4对/10hm2,夏季(6月)2.1对/10hm2越冬期,昼伏夜出,主要捕食鼠类(占66.7%);繁殖期,昼夜活动,主要捕食昆虫类(占62%~96.9%)。解剖学特征与陆栖捕食行为高度适应。体色拟态效果及无声飞行更为有利捕食过程。平均日食量49.7g。估计全年可捕鼠238只、昆虫580余只。还报道了小自动情交配到后期换羽等一系列繁殖行为过程。 |
关键词: 纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua Plumipes) 数量分布 繁殖 越冬生态 捕食行为机理 饲养管理 经济效益 |
DOI: |
投稿时间:1995-06-26 |
基金项目: |
On the Ecology and Mechanism of Feeding Behavior in Athene noctua Plumipes |
Lei Fumin, Zheng Zuoxin
(Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhongguancun, Beijing, 100080, China) |
Abstract: |
On the bases of our field work supplemented by laboratory experimentation, the suitablehabitats for the Little Owls (Athene noctua plumipes) in Qishan. county, Shaanxi province are open countries with scatterted trees, earth banks or crevices. The Little Owls activate at night during their wintering period when more rats (occupying 66.7% of the total prey) are taken,and activate in both day and night during their breeding period when more insects (occupying 62% to 96.9% ofthe total prey) are devoured. Their anatonical characteristics are well related to their habits. One Little Owl consumes 49.7 g of meat for one day in captive feeding, and would have devoured 238rats and over 580 insects for one year in the field. The process of regeneration behavors from matingto molting are described. |
Key words: Athene noctua plumipes geographical distribution and population density breeding wintering ecology mechanism of feeding behavior rearing management economic significance |