摘要: |
报道了"桂丰三号"的主要植物学特征、农艺性状和生长发育特性."桂丰三号"是一个无限生长型的中晚熟品种,主蔓长3.5~4.5m,其第15~20节开始着生花芽、第3~10节上共长出3~7条侧蔓.3月15日至6月30日期间,从播种到开花约需75天;7月10日至20日期间,从播种到开花约需50天.3月至7月20日期间,无论何时播种,其开花结荚盛期都在9月中旬至10月中下旬。单株结荚数30~50荚,荚长19cm,荚横断面呈正方型,每荚有15粒种子,老熟种子黄褐色、圆形,千粒重300g。嫩豆荚淡绿色,成熟豆荚黑褐色. |
关键词: 四棱豆 桂丰三号 高蛋白植物 无限生长型 中晚熟品种 嫩豆荚 蔬菜 |
DOI: |
投稿时间:1993-09-25 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 |
Preliminary Studies on Some Main Characters in a New Winged Beau Cultivar “Guifeng No.3” |
Long Minghua
(Guangxi Agricultural University, 13 Xiuling Road, Nanning, Gnangxi, 530005) |
Abstract: |
Some main botanic.agronomic.growth and development characters in "Guifeng No.3" which was bred from winged bean strain GL-42 were investigated."Guifeng No.3" was a indeterminate type and middle-late cultivar.The length of its main vine was 3.5~4.5m and three to seven axillary vines branched from the 3rd to 10th nod in the main vine.Primary flower bud which formed in the 15th to 20th nod of the main vine took about 75 days to flower when sowed during the 15th of March to the 30th of June and took about 50 days to flower when sowed during the 10th to 20th of July.Peak of flowering and pod-setting was from middle in September to middle-late in October in spite of sowing time during the 15th of March to the 20th of July.Each plant setted 30~50pods.The length of the pods was 19cm and the cross section of the pods was square. Each pod contained 15 seeds and mature seeds were round and yellow-brown.The weight of thousand-seeds was 300g.The young pods were light green and mature pods were black brown. |
Key words: winged bean Guifeng NO.3 high-protein plant indeterminate type middle-late cultivar young pod vegetable |